Who am I?

Sometimes Shai.... I think you're trying to be nice to me.

Shai Gar?!?!?!

Haha, impossible I tell you. Can't you see this man has been walking the path of evil since he was a young one?
He is merely deceiving you, because you're a piece of his chessgame which we all take apart off.

The only thing what matters is being a pawn or a knight.

This man is truly evil. Don't be fooled.
You are you.
You happen to be INFJ.
INFJ is a set of cognitive functions, that is most likely relevant to some physical structure, or at least a certain way the brain is stimulated in very early stages. (warning, that's only my personal hypothesis)
INFJ does not define you. You define INFJ.

I know INFJs who go through similar cycles. I've read the biographies of some INFJs who even went to mental institutions at an age between 20 and 30, and later, especially getting older, they've become extremely influential and respected social figures. This still doesn't mean anything, just an example.

You're probably right to protest against grouping such as MBTI, especially the way we try to use it. Creating some sets of supposed roles for each type is degrading our individuality.

For example, I always thought of myself as extremely rational, and rarely found someone to challenge me in such a way, that I'd question my own reasoning. And then I discovered MBTI and the claim that I don't belong to the "Rationals", because I'm more concerned about the well being of humanity. If you ask me, the other position is much more irrational. And so ENFPs are these mindless irresponsible butterflies, and I'm just supposed to accept that nonsense? My past record (before I knew about MBTI), apparently, disproves that assumption. With hard facts, results. So should I trust the real data, or the theory? The data, of course.

So just follow your own needs, and don't be bothered by the stereotypes. :m156:
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I don't think any one group of people can be exactly defined. I belief that people can be summarized, but we all have our differences that are sometimes of other traits. There are many different answers on the forums, because not all INFJs are exactly the same. We are all unique individuals. Last Dawn taught me that.
I know INFJs who go through similar cycles. I've read the biographies of some INFJs who even went to mental institutions at an age between 20 and 30, and later, especially getting older, they've become extremely influential and respected social figures. This still doesn't mean anything, just an example.

ECBShy..who are these INFJ's? I'd like to know how they overcame this. :D
*points to above comments and nods in agreement*

I was going to say the same things. Also, the fact that you are showing some concern for your lack of empathy suggests that you are indeed an infj.
Yeah, I think you're still INFJ. This is exactly how I am when I'm super tired, stressed and have just had enough. Sounds like you might just need some emotional recharging and some time only worrying about and doing things for yourself so you can get back to it. INFJs give so much sometimes it's only to be expected that they'd turn on their head and become a somewhat opposite entity when emotionally strained. It's our way of snapping into recovery.

I had a long time when I withdrew my emotions and it was like my entire being just couldn't give a damn... not in an agressive way but a somewhat passive way. My thoughts became more disconnectedly opinionated and questioning and there were times when I was completely alone that my body/existence didn't seem to be completely mine. It was a weird sensation, like I was some sort of fabrication. I no longer felt like I was in my room sitting in reality, I was more some random conscious thought floating in an expansive meaningless space.

Not caring doesn't mean you're not INFJ and I agree with TheDaringHatTrick when she said that you're one of the people who come across as being true INFJ. Not caring, in INFJ terms, probably means it's just time for you to take a step back and re-evaluate before becomming entirely involved again.
You're still an INFJ.
I have felt the way you feel before.

Perhaps it is just a phase, and it will pass. That happens to me more frequently than I would like. I am currently struggling with keeping myself in a state of giving a shit. Gotta focus on the positive and my hopes for the future!!!

Or perhaps you may be numb and depressed.
If that is the case, you need to battle it:
1) Force yourself to reconnect to others. Start with simple social connections (the more positive social experiences we have, the more social acceptance we feel, and the more empathy we feel).
2) Stop yourself from being like "Whatever". Catch yourself when you say or think things like this and tell yourself that this is not you, it is the numbness, and you can force yourself to find that caring again.
3) Search for the feelings inside that you don't want to face/feel/deal with that are causing you to numb out. Numbing out is a defense mechanism that we use when we are over-whelmed with feelings that we cannot handle at that time. If it is a big issue, then it is best to seek some form of therapy to help you deal with it.

But either way, it doesn't change what your personality type is.
'Hey, but who am I?'
'I'm Jack Sparrow..'

I know INFJs who go through similar cycles. I've read the biographies of some INFJs who even went to mental institutions at an age between 20 and 30, and later, especially getting older, they've become extremely influential and respected social figures. This still doesn't mean anything, just an example.

Oh yes...this is intriguing....please share more....
Thanks for all your responses guys. I'm gonna really get my head down and develop a better knowledge of this whole thing. But I won't say I'm an INFJ... until I feel like one again. If I ever was one.
We'll always love you, whatever type you are.

At least I will. Pls love me back :(

And I don't feel like an infj either, I feel like I've put up a defense because my emotions were 'too much' lately, with all the socializing at uni.
I feel like I've done this on purpose, so I wouldn't feel bad emotions.
Can you relate to that in any way mr Yield?
I haven't really socialised at Uni... I talk to people for 5 seconds and that's about it. My house mates are the people I socialize with but I don't think that counts. But I do know what you mean.

And I love you too man

And I love you too man

Didn't really word it right, but I don't really know how to say it.
Now I'm off to psychology. I'll be back at 7pm, with cuddles. For you.
For quite a while now, I haven't felt like an INFJ. I don't feel like ANY type. I have this profound sense of disconnection that I can't even articulate into words. I question the fabric of my existence even. This MBTI thingy has disillusioned me.


I don't care much for people. I don't put other people before me- or at least I can't. Their feelings, even though they extract a response from me, don't move me to feeling empathetic towards them. I feel I can't express any of these feelings. I don't feel these feelings, which doesn't sound right but that's what it's like. I don't feel driven to help or nurture people. I don't take the time or initiative to find out how people are doing, to ask about their feelings or be interested in anyone.

Relationships exhaust me. I'm not "looking" any more and I feel pretty content with that. Insults relating to my lack of activity in that area are met with a "Yeah, whatever", when I would've found myself deeply insulted.

I don't have any ideals any more. I don't feel myself acting implicitly to an inner morality and I'm living the days as they come, just trying to get by as each task presents itself. I don't care much for the future because it feels pointless and a waste of time.

I don't think deeply any more. At Uni, we've had these very arty and intuitive exercises that I would've eaten up before, but I just don't connect with it. I see what I see. I can't concentrate. I can't concentrate on anything if it's not in front of me or I don't have a clear picture of it in my head.

What do you think? May I have your honest opinion, from your observations, on whether you think I'm an INFJ? In know I'm questioning the whole INFJ thing anyway but... I just need some outside opinions please. thanks.

Honestly, there are too many other things that may come into question? The "why" you are feeling this way could:

- Be stressors
- The way you usually are

Here are some of the "Stressors" to the general NF: Insincerity, Betrayal and Lack of Intergrity. Done to you by others.

Reactions to these Stressors are: Dissociates, Becomes Phoney, Self Sacrifice, Cynicsm, Hysteria and Depression.

.... One would honestly have to know "what all is going on" in your life right now to know if it is: "temperament" or "something else."

This is one thing that helped me when trying to identify whom exactly I was: "Nevertheless, INFJ's often report that they feel they are missing something in themselves, although they may have difficulty indentifying exactly what that "something" is. Is it will power? Social ease? Self-confidence? Emotional tranquility? - all of which they see in other, seemingly in abundance. Given time and sufficient perspective, INFJ's generally recognize that they are unsure about aspects of their self-image - their personality or ego-structure itself. They feel that they lack a clear and stable indentity, particularly a social persona that they feel comfortable with."

Basically, we believe that we are indeed our emotions... and because they change, we perceive that "we change" as well. (It can become a real mess. Because when we look "inside ourselves" we truly see a ever-changing scope of ourselves that is directly tied to our emotions.)

Emotion = Identity (That is an INFJ)
This is one thing that helped me when trying to identify whom exactly I was: "Nevertheless, INFJ's often report that they feel they are missing something in themselves, although they may have difficulty indentifying exactly what that "something" is. Is it will power? Social ease? Self-confidence? Emotional tranquility? - all of which they see in other, seemingly in abundance. Given time and sufficient perspective, INFJ's generally recognize that they are unsure about aspects of their self-image - their personality or ego-structure itself. They feel that they lack a clear and stable indentity, particularly a social persona that they feel comfortable with."

Basically, we believe that we are indeed our emotions... and because they change, we perceive that "we change" as well. (It can become a real mess. Because when we look "inside ourselves" we truly see a ever-changing scope of ourselves that is directly tied to our emotions.)

Emotion = Identity (That is an INFJ)

Is believing that you are your emotions, identifying with them and creating an identity around them a good thing?