Who do you lock horns with?

It's hard to say, because I can pretty much get along with any personality type, as long as the person is intelligent.
Although I'd say the most annoying type to me is ESFJ.
My sister (ENFP) and I were just talking about how they have this PRIDE about being ESFJ that we just don't get....cuz to us it's like being fundamentally personality handicapped....lol.
Our Mom is ESFJ, so is our little sister, and 3 of our close friends. AGH.
I feel like I am always humoring them, like they have the brain of a 3-year-old.

Yeah wrongly typing people is a funny thing... I really wanna learn to do it right though, a lot of people seem to be so sure with it. Obviously, you can never really know. I mean, I don't even know WHO would be an ESTJ or INTJ or whatever if they walked into a room.

I'm pretty good at it, but not as good as my sister- she has that ENFP Ne.
Read the book "The Art of SpeedReading People" by Paul D. Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger. It's GREAT and you'll get way better at typing ppl. :m161:

Oddly enough, so do I....
As far as type, I'm not sure.
I get along swimmingly with SJs and SPs
and well with NTs..

If you guys don't let along with Feelers/Idealists...then why are you on INFJs.com?

ESFJs - the ones i've dealt with can be sooo boring and talk about the "great sale they got at the store" for 9 minutes. i'll listen politely but inside my soul is dying.

ESTJ - refer to hotkebab's explanation :m106:

ISTP - i've only dealt with one istp but she showed herself to be brusque, and extremely insensitive to people's feelings and needs, even when expressed out loud

I agree with the first two, but intelligent ISTPs are great.

ESFJ/ENFJ - too intrusive, overly emotional, prone to trying to run/and/or fix other people's lives, place too much importance on social norms.

ESTJ/ESTP - loud, arrogant, bossy, forceful, usually immature and not so bright, annoying.

My best friend is and ENFJ, and she doesn't give a shit about social norms. Hm. Wonder who is the exception to the rule? The one I know, or the one you know?

ESTPs are assholes.
If you guys don't let along with Feelers/Idealists...then why are you on INFJs.com?
Out of bad habit?

I don't have animosity. I don't fight with anyone here nor have I really ever. This forum doesn't annoy me. I should have explained myself better.
My Fe is very low. So imagine all of the things that go with that in a social setting, and not a professional setting. Feelers or NF types tend to think I am too hard and abrasive, while I tend to think that the majority of NFs that I meet are uncomfortably soft, prying, and insincere.
I don't have animosity. I don't fight with anyone here nor have I really ever. This forum doesn't annoy me.
Admit you are here to eat us.
Admit you are here to eat us.
I just don't click with most other NFs. We don't really bond. I think it is because NFs main motivation is to grow and discover themselves.. And call me arrogant, but I feel I've outgrown most that I meet. I find those I meet to be manipulative and moody and it turns me off.
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ESFJ/ENFJ - too intrusive, overly emotional, prone to trying to run/and/or fix other people's lives, place too much importance on social norms.
I have to agree with this one -- every single point.

Though I do get along with most EFJ's, some of them are quite pushy and annoying.
I get along with ESFJ's better then ENFJ's actually. I clash with ENFJ's after I get to know them. My Ni ends up getting in battles with theirs. Both of which are good types for me though.
this is interesting.

The ESFJ I know is a really nice girl and we actually think similiar on certain things though I will admit talking to her is sometimes annoying and she has pissed me off a few times before. But in general shes a really nice girl except that she does not really understand sometimes, certain situations do not call for happy and chirpy. As for intelligence, she has said some very very intelligent stuff before that stunned the crap outta me and my other INFJ friend. eg: when asked why she was so happy she bought a computer mouse for cheaper than usual, she replied :"if you are not happy with small things than it is hard to be happy in this life." or something like that. cant remmeber exact words. anyway, it makes sense and got me thinking. thats another story anyway.
I've noticed INFPs particularly apply.
But, all F's, really.

Yes, I can agree with this.

Usually the immature ones I struggle with. I find E,F's tend to overreact to things.

INFP's can be scary as hell If you push the wrong button.

I know this because my younger INFP sister almost broke my nose by throwing a book at my face. :m169:

I learnt my lesson.
I get told I'm stupid or lazy all the time from these guys.

Like what would be an example of this? How do you act that makes them think you are being lazy or stupid?
1. Stupid people
2. Authoritarians
3. Those driven by rules, not principles
4. Bosses (that's why I work for myself)
5. Notwithstanding 3 above, people who write "who" when they mean "whom"
Yes, I can agree with this.

Usually the immature ones I struggle with. I find E,F's tend to overreact to things.

INFP's can be scary as hell If you push the wrong button.

I know this because my younger INFP sister almost broke my nose by throwing a book at my face. :m169:

I learnt my lesson.

BAHAHAHAHA i have a younger INFP sister too and i know just what you mean!
Like what would be an example of this? How do you act that makes them think you are being lazy or stupid?

Well, this might be a tad long so please bare with me,

Sometimes (mind you this is rare) I turn up late (say 10 minutes at the latest) for work but I give a warning and an apologie in advance.

I take care of siblings as my mother is usually not around and my father works full time.

So sometimes things can get a bit out of hand. Note that I am taking care of two INFP's, one who has low functioning autsim and the other sleeps all day and has a phobia to the phone. I am also looking after a younger ENFP. Sometimes my younger brother (old enough to look after the siblings), an ISTP, is around but he is lazy as hell (what I mean by that is never cleans etc.)

I have already told my boss (well, actually hes the manager of the department I work in) about my situation plenty of times, he's an ISTP. Thankfully he kinda of understands, enough that he dosn't attempt to dislodge my head when I turn up to work.

However its a different story with the ESTJ's/ESFJ's. When I call to say im going to be running late they give me a full launched attack over the phone.

Heres an example.

ESTJ (this ESTJ happens to be in charge of the department next door and they cover for my department from time to time)

Me: Hi, is **** (Managers name) there?

ESTJ: No, he went home early.

Me: Ah, ok, this is Laura (my name) by the way (the ESTJ, she knows who I am).

ESTJ: *Awkard silence*

Me: I'm supposed to be coming in to work my shift however due to certain circumstances I might be a little late.

ESTJ: Thats not good enough! I am sick and tired of you coming in late! You are always late every time!

Me: I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do about it, I am trying to get down as fast as possible.

ESTJ: And you are full of excuses!

Me: Its no excuse, If you don't belive me I suggest you talk to my manager.

ESTJ: Fine! *Bitch* (she uttered this under her breath) Slam! (she slamed the phone down)

I'm standing there holding the phone confused. :m075:

Another time was when I was made a fool out of in front of the customers because I didn't know how to clean up alcohol of the floor (I hadn't been taught how to use what we call a spill kit, designed to assist in cleaning up spills) My response was, I slaped myself across the head and went "Duh, Laura!" however the one that embarrased me did apologize, but there are others that don't.

And for my last example there is one ESFJ that likes to stand behind customers and correct me while I am serving them. However I ended up correcting her on her lousy management skills. She also likes to tell me off with a duty manager behind her nodding her head in agreement.
The last time she tried this I used reverse psychology techniques against her by making out that she was flattering me due to the fact that it took two people in a higher postion than me to tell me off.
Surprisingly the customers agreed with this and stared them both down. In their own shame they walked off.

I have plenty more up my sleeve but I think I have explained enough.
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like some mountain-goat horn-locking type stuff.....

These are the only people who have totally brought out my Rage, with the blackout with the swirly colors and stars and a missing shirt and stuff...yeah
ESTJs - Apparently I talk out of the alternative orifice.
INTPs - Some folks are just too blinkered to suffer for long.
ESTPs are assholes.

We can be - but not all the time..... Could it be that in ESTP's you see the INFJ shadow and possibly not always the positive side of it....

One of the reasons I signed up on here was that with INFJ as my shadow I don't always have the best opinion of the type, because I see negative traits I display from my shadow in INFJ's

Not sure how well I'm explaining this... not meant as an attack just something that sprung to mind as I read your post...

Back to the OP and the question in hand... there are not any types I'm aware of that I lock horns with as such. I know an INFP and an ENFP that drive me round the bend at times, because they don't make sense to me....

Generally I lock horns with Bigots or people who refuse to see alternative options to a problem or situation.
I enjoy the company of ESTPS.. At least the ones I have in my circle..
I know an INFP and an ENFP that drive me round the bend at times, because they don't make sense to me....
And I think that's part of the attraction.. in my experience. Yes. Driving around the bend.. That's why my ESTPs and I lovingly refer to one another as frien-emies..

Arilee, what is your shadow like? I'm curious about the INFJ type as a shadow, because all the type descriptions go on and on about how wonderful and ingenious INFJs are. The descriptions make the INFJ type seem like an ultra benevolent character..
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I don't know how everyone knows what everyone else's type is... I find it difficult to work it out, so I can't really say what types piss me off... because I don't know!
That is just what i was thinking! I know that pushy, loud, obnoxious people bug me, snotty conceited people bug me, judgmental people, type A's, the book smart but not life smart types get on my nerves.... :m031:
I enjoy the company of ESTPS.. At least the ones I have in my circle..
I think you have to work us out at times - I know I can be extremely blunt at times without realising it. What comes across as being quite harsh is very rarely intended as such....

Arilee, what is your shadow like? I'm curious about the INFJ type as a shadow, because all the type descriptions go on and on about how wonderful and ingenious INFJs are. The descriptions make the INFJ type seem like an ultra benevolent character..
I only know one INFJ irl, he's a really nice guy, and I can see the benevolent side of him in a lot of ways.
I'm not too sure what my shadow is like as such, because oddly enough I don't always realise I'm using it.... Generally I become very withdrawn, don't even want to be around my husband - nothing he says or tries to do seems to help me snap out of it. The bluntness of my ESTP side tends to become more vicious and pointed, (a bit like I've verbally stabbed you instead of the standard slapped you around the face feeling you might normally experience.. When I'm in this mode I am almost incapable off dealing with strong emotions, I become distressed and burst in to tears for the silliest of reasons and don't know what to do with myself...
That's how I feel internally - perhaps Husband might be able to describe what I am like to lie with at these points...
My sister tests out as an INFP - and she drives me crazy. It is her discomfort with all things emotional. She has nothing to do with my kids, never shows affection. I swear sometimes it is like having a hunk of wood for a relative. And I am tired of people going 'oh * is your sister, right? She is so weird!'

Maybe this is how others respond to my INFJ-ness? I dunno. But she drive me batshit crazy in less than 5 minutes.