Face: Completely depends on a person. But I've noticed I have this thing for dark-haired men with expressive eyes. The guy on the left , Eric Bana, Randy Pausch, Andrew Anthony...
Brain: Hilarious, surprising, complex, unusual, unortohodox, independent...
Sense of Humor: As long as it's not "fart poop", innecessarily mean, obvious, insecure and wanting to impress kind, just awkard department, it's fine.
Body: I may be shallow in that I wish a man not to be smaller than me. But am not a fan of bodybuilders and big muscles and all of that. At all.
Charisma: It's there if it's there.
Devotion: hm,.
Accent: As long as communication rolls smoothly.
Style: I don't follow fashion etc. and don't consider myself a very shallow person, so ofc that might feel a bit alien to me if someone cared a lot about their "image". Casual?
This is easy.
Face: Hugh Jackman's
Brain: Hugh Jackman's
Sense of Humor: Hugh Jackman's
Body: Hugh Jackman's
Charisma: Hugh Jackman's
Devotion: Hugh Jackman's
Accent: Australian, like Hugh Jackman's
Style: Hugh Jackman's
And no, I'm not just being a prick. :]
Very observant, I see. :]I'm seeing a pattern.
Devotion: The man in "The Notebook"
The style of: Iggy Pop
Call Dr frankenstien, We need to make this man!
Face: Ryan Reynolds
Brain: A natural brainiac, not boastful, quietly brilliant.
Sense of Humor: Dry, someone who knows how and when to use sarcasm, someone who gets self deprecating humour, good with zingers. I love to laugh!
Body: Ryan Reynolds
Charisma: Paul Newman/Johnny Depp/Ryan Reynolds
Devotion: The man in "The Notebook"
Accent: oooooh British
Style: Ryan Reynolds
Face: Ryan Reynolds
Brain: A natural brainiac, not boastful, quietly brilliant.
Sense of Humor: Dry, someone who knows how and when to use sarcasm, someone who gets self deprecating humour, good with zingers. I love to laugh!
Body: Ryan Reynolds
Charisma: Paul Newman/Johnny Depp/Ryan Reynolds
Devotion: The man in "The Notebook"
Accent: oooooh British
Style: Ryan Reynolds