Who REALLY put panties on that sloth


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You will never guess what happened to me today. So i was performing my morning routine, eat, brush my teeth, use the bathroom. All that good stuff, when i saw something in my window that looked a little strange. There was a man on a ladder looking in my window.

Just as soon as he knew i saw him, he began climbing down the ladder. I ran downstairs, grabbed my baseball bat by the door, and pursued the creep. He was still on the side of the house when i went outside, so I chased him for a good 10 minutes and got to some woods. Then we ran for another 15 and I lost sight of him.

Lost, in the middle of the woods, chasing a pedophile. I knew something like this could only happen to me.

The search seemed over when a bit deeper in the woods I heard a man scream. I ran to the sound and saw him laying there a good distance away from me. As I got closer I noticed his foot was caught in a bear trap. Well it was smaller than a bear trap but yeah. I walked up to him with my bat and said the sweetest one liner I could think of in that moment.

"Game over fucker" and I hit him in the face with the bat. He began to sob a bit as he held his bleeding nose, but to my surprise he began to laugh. This startled me so I hit him again and said "whats funny friend?" and he said, "read the first word of each paragraph"
And here I was about to type out this long bit on how this story is clearly a lie for so many reasons.
You will never guess what happened to me today. So i was performing my morning routine, eat, brush my teeth, use the bathroom. All that good stuff, when i saw something in my window that looked a little strange. There was a man on a ladder looking in my window.

Just as soon as he knew i saw him, he began climbing down the ladder. I ran downstairs, grabbed my baseball bat by the door, and pursued the creep. He was still on the side of the house when i went outside, so I chased him for a good 10 minutes and got to some woods. Then we ran for another 15 and I lost sight of him.

Lost, in the middle of the woods, chasing a pedophile. I knew something like this could only happen to me.

The search seemed over when a bit deeper in the woods I heard a man scream. I ran to the sound and saw him laying there a good distance away from me. As I got closer I noticed his foot was caught in a bear trap. Well it was smaller than a bear trap but yeah. I walked up to him with my bat and said the sweetest one liner I could think of in that moment.

"Game over fucker" and I hit him in the face with the bat. He began to sob a bit as he held his bleeding nose, but to my surprise he began to laugh. This startled me so I hit him again and said "whats funny friend?" and he said, "read the first word of each paragraph"

You are officially my hero lol!
:jaw: WTF!!! :doh: Damn you're good. LOL
My face hurts :(
lmao @ all of you ^.^ losers
DimensionX, youre MY hero