Why are people so close-minded?

People are close minded because to change your mind means you will have to change your actions in order to remain authentic. That's more responsibility than some people want.

Throughout our education, both in and out of school, we are trained to think of being "right" as good and being "wrong" as bad. We are also trained to believe that there is one "right" answer or way, and that everything else is wrong. After all, isn't that the essence of a multiple choice exam. Or, for that matter, writing an exam essay in a way that pleases the teacher, instead of expressing one's true beliefs and understanding. So, in addition to other reasons, since we all want to be "good" we have a strong motivation to deny being wrong, that is, "bad." The problem with this closed mind approach is that it is simplistic, leads to idealogical rigidity, and suppresses further inquiry (when you know the answer why investigate further?). Admitting to being wrong or not knowing an answer is a sign not only of an honest person, but, also, a truly confident scholar.
Something I find very disturbing is that no matter how sound or logical an argument is, some people will never be convinced. There's something about that thought that chills me to the core. The naive part of me always thought that human beings were at heart reasonable creatures. The rest of me knows better :(.

Edit: I know the website was a joke, but it was a harsh reminder because some people really feel this way.

that is because there are many ways to apply logic. Logic doesn't stand on its own, it is not independent, it is based on a set of rules. And what that set of rules is, is based on your background When that background is different, the outcome of the logic will be different.

for example. Western medicine is based on matter.
1. you need calcium for your bones
2. milk has plenty of calcium
3. drink milk

eastern medicine is based on energy
1. your body need energetic balanced food
2. milk is to yang and never intended for human consumption
3. don't drink milk

to different outcomes both based on logic.