Permanent Fixture
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@wolly.green - Oh, I want to read that book now. I've listened to some scientists talk about this and they (these particular scientists) say that humans can see color the way we do and therefore are attracted to plants with flashy colors because at one point during human evolution, humans were vegetarians. (PS: I should add that these scientists were not promoting vegan propaganda. It was actually a lecture on meat, survival, and the origins of the human wolf relationship.)
I stand by the logic that what makes music and art "beautiful" is, at it's roots, math and science based. Beethoven is more beautiful than a kid banging on a pot because that kid has no rhythm. Rhythm is math. We merely fine tune what we personally believe is beautiful with opinions. Beauty is really not entirely subjective. It's...lovely... to think so because that makers us all individuals, it's more "philosophical", and it detaches humans from nature, but it isn't.
Sure, you can describe art with math, colour and composition. But beauty is way more than just that. It is not enough for art to have a cool mathematical description. Nor is it enough to have crazy colours or some kind of composition. Its something ABOUT the math, the colours, the composition that make art beautiful. Just because you can describe Beethoven with calculus does not mean its calculus that makes it beautiful. In fact, mathematics can be used to describe everything, even ugly art. So it cannot be used to judge the beauty of art. The beauty comes from somewhere else.
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