Why did they have kids anyway???

Like I said I'm removing my reproductive organs, or at least part of them, when I am eighteen
Whenever you see someone abusing their children in public, if it works with the situation at all, go up and offer to help them (also it helps if you are comfortable offering some kind of small help to them- like a mother putting away groceries or whatever, but i don't think ti is an absolutely necessary). The point is to do something that wont have a negative repercussion for the child that will remind them that they are being observed. If you get angry at them or call them out on it, they might beat the child for it later. You don't have to offer help, I suppose, but you should do something that is courteous and reminds them they are being observed.

That idea is simply "beautiful in its simplicity."

Thank you.
That idea is simply "beautiful in its simplicity."

Thank you.

[MENTION=3710]kiu[/MENTION] Thanks.

I actually got the idea from a social work professor in a sociology class that I took. I don't plan to be a social worker, but honestly, taking a couple social work classes can help you out in your life quite a bit I think just so that you have an idea of how society is working.
Why do people feel the need to micromanage small children? I mean, damn, they are kids.

When you berate you kid in public, its about your embarrassment, your self image.

Kids trigger things in their parents that they have not felt since they were kids. I found my self saying to my little daughters, when they did things randomly 'upsetting', like not knowing something they could only know by experience, "what's the matter with you?" those words flow so quickly out of my mouth I had to notice that they were coming from another place. Slowly it dawned on me that it is one of my Mom's go to lines, she still uses it at 85.

Not fucking your kids up takes enlightenment.
Okay, so I am here at the library cause of the free wi-fi and this woman is looking up a book on the computer.
She has 2 kids with her.
One kid is like clapping his hands and swinging his arms.
The woman grabs his arm and throws him against the wall and tells him to be quiet or he will get in trouble.
I cannot tell you how often I see crap like this and it pisses me off.
I distinctly remember being outside a large store and hearing this woman berate a small child about 3 years old (barely able to walk by himself).
Apparently mommy had bought him a toy and he was whining (a bit) and wanted it.
The woman stood next to this small child and screamed at him "me, me, me! What about what I want!"
Yea, like a 3 year old could answer that.

So what do you think this is about?
Rotten fucking parenting for sure but what is about controlling small children that adults try and do it?
Why do people feel the need to micromanage small children?
I mean, damn, they are kids.

Perhaps Mommy's wounded inner child was induced to take the executive function thus resulting in regression?

psychobabble rap aside ... I think George C. Williams and Richard Dawkins were onto something with The Selfish Gene.
How far up our family trees would each of us have to climb to find two primates commingling DNA without a mind to future parenting while doing so?
My point?
We end up here as a result of people fucking while under the influence of `selfish genes', to use Dawkins characterization.
Last tag! We're all IT!
We're all stuck here regardless of the `parenting' we receive from our sperm and egg donors.

Do I feel for abused children? Yep, sure do.
Can I do much about it on any global scale? Nope.
Can I get people perhaps responsible enough to have a pet dog or cat spayed to neuter themselves to preclude bad parenting and overpopulation? Not likely, not often, not effectively.

Can I stop `bad parenting' my own Inner Child as was modeled to me by my bio-mommy and bio-daddy? I wish.

Can I compose and send words which would unilaterally soothe you after re-experiencing such obnoxious-to-you behavior by would-be adults vis-a-vis their own progeny? I doubt it.

Sorry, [MENTION=3096]NDN NT[/MENTION]. I'm feeling as helpless as a mis-parented, mis-raised child on this one.
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Ah [MENTION=3738]gps[/MENTION]; I appreciate the willingness to want to sooth. I think by and large my parents were relatively good. My own demons are the result of other's actions, not my parents.

I guess in some ways I have empathy for small children being herded into some semblence of mini-adults and find it terribly sad. I don't think I can adequately express why either. I just think that children are so precious that to damage one by forcing him/her to stifle their natural sense of joy and love at being alive is a terrible crime. (On the other hand, I don't particularily want to have one of the little boogers either.)
I guess in some ways I have empathy for small children being herded into some semblence of mini-adults and find it terribly sad.
I don't think I can adequately express why either.

Well ... we can express our empathy in useful ways.
Though I don't have children, my sisters did.
I've been influential in their upbringing in my own avuncular ways.

I've done 3 local outdoor art shows in which I catered to kids, primarily.
In recent years I've done `Creek Sculpting' at a local park which kids play along with and participate.
In short, if it takes a whole village to raise a child then WE as non-parental villagers can still influence children in our own ways.

I like shocking them with mind-numbing responses to their childish questions.
For example, when they ask me what I'm doing as I'm making dams, channels, percolation beds, and natural sculptures at my favorite site on a local creek I respond with `Playing! How about you?'
Some of the responses are funny as they seem to expect an adult to give an adult answer imbuing their activity with some sort of lofty purpose and/or work-related goal.

As an adult I can help kids HAVE a childhood by NOT displacing the playful fun-loving attitudes which result in well-balanced adults who don't take themselves WAY toooooo seriously.
I think, though, in some cases it's "parents" not knowing that it takes more than giving a kid an X-box or a TV or the latest toy. It's about spending time with them and getting to know them as individual folks, and setting boundaries. And it's about the parent themselves realizing that they don't have all the answers, and getting the help when they're not sure what to do.

:) :) This is my problem. They think that giving me material things is enough but it's NEVER enough and NEVER WILL BE.

We don't celebrate mother's day, father's day, birthdays and we don't even have family days.

I want to feel loved by my parents and I guess they show it in another way but it's not enough for me. They don't try to talk to me whenever I have problems. They don't even know if I'm sad. They don't try to talk to me.

So maybe the parents that do those things to their children think it's okay to do that. My mom used to pull my ponytails in public when I cry and once, she left me somewhere alone.

Maybe they show their love in other ways.

It's not okay for me but I can't change the way they show their love and I'm trying hard to understand them but I don't know how if I don't feel loved and understood. I feel so hopeless.