Why do straight men think I'm gay?

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I don't think you can fairly make this statement. He has said nothing that shows or does not show this. There is no evidence for either side.

There's plenty of evidence, the results speak for themselves.

So, I will ask then. Sali, why do you think you do not have much success with women?

There's no point asking him -- if he knew then he'd have fixed things and he wouldn't be in this situation, would he?

I'm not intending to be mean to Sali here BTW. Lord knows a lot of men, and a lot of INFJ men I suspect, have similar problems.
There's no point asking him, if he knew then he wouldn't be in this situation, would he?

Not true I have had very little success with women and I know why.
There's plenty of evidence, the results speak for themselves.

Then show me?

There's no point asking him -- if he knew then he'd have fixed things and he wouldn't be in this situation, would he?

I'm not intending to be mean to Sali here BTW. Lord knows a lot of men, and a lot of INFJ men I suspect, have similar problems.

You say don't intend to sound mean, but it sure sounds that way. You're assuming several things about him that simply can not be assumed, because he has stated very little about himself in regards to women, only that it is tricky for him. Makes sense that it would be, he's 22. Nevertheless, to say that there is no point in asking him? That's just not cool to say someone, when you know nothing of the circumstance.
Well, there's your clue: you're not being masculine enough to attract the women you want. Chances are you're probably a "nice guy" as well who's usually harmless and completely non-threatening, i.e. you don't excite women, nor do you create any attraction. That'll put you squarely in the friend, not lover, category.

I doubt it's because you dress nice or because you body-build, it's more likely the way you behave. Chances are you supplicate and allow yourself to be dominated by others, instead of leading and taking charge. Men think you might be gay because you act the way a feminine gay guy acts.

If you're doing things right, women should never be in any doubt that you are a hot-blooded heterosexual male with normal manly desires.

I really don't allow myself to be dominated by others I actually do lead and take charge. I used to supplicate to women but that's something I've overcome because I didn't understand I was doing it initially. Actually I'm pretty sure the reason I have trouble with women is because I'm simply not a funny guy and I guess that's really important, and am still working on overcoming feelings of inadequacy from years of being fat.

By the way, no offense was taken Sunset44 so don't worry about it.
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