why do we ignore our intuition?

Because intuition is a fucking troll that loves to say "I told you so!" even though you listened to it and it was wrong a hundred fucking times, it will always be right in the most disastrous fucking scenario possible and you will not have listened to it because you're tired of its shit, but this time it was right for once and you can be sure its going to rub that in for the rest of your life.
Wow, that's very interesting. I always saw Intution as superior to Sensing and Thinking. And I'm not the only one...Jung, many philosophers, and many scientists, like Einstein.

Intuition is great, but, in my opinion, it is as good as the knowledge you posses.
I also found this when looking at stuff online...notice number 3, it may explain why someone ignores their primary function in favor of a secondary.
1. Each of the eight functions has a two different personality types that have it as its
dominant function.
2. Those two personality types with the same dominant function may or may NOT be of the
same Temperament.
3. Introverted personality types will always have an introverted function as their dominant
function (and therefore show their auxiliary [second best] function to the rest of the

I find I ignore my intuition when I'm not happy with the conclusion OR when I want to feel sorry for myself but intuitively know that whatever I'm pouting about isn't necessarily true. Lol! It's essentially when emotions overcome my better self which is something I'm going to have to forgive myself for whether I like it or not. Or at least that's what my intuition says. :p
I think that it's important to note the difference between intense feelings and intuition after reading a few posts here. I think we ignore our intuition after we've made the mistake of confusing the two enough that we learn to ignore it until such time we trust it's the latter of the two.
I think that it's important to note the difference between intense feelings and intuition after reading a few posts here. I think we ignore our intuition after we've made the mistake of confusing the two enough that we learn to ignore it until such time we trust it's the latter of the two.

This is so true. It's easy to think of intuition as this nagging, intense feeling which says "go, go, go!" OR "no, no, no!" But intuition doesn't necessarily work that way. It's not always that obvious or direct. It's often seems to be a slight nudge, tug or incline.
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Intuition is great, but, in my opinion, it is as good as the knowledge you posses.

I agree, and for the same reason I think it gets sharper over time.
I rely on intuition a lot, but I ignore it when the outcome is too important to risk. Intuition sort of flings off into the unknown ether if it's not consciously tethered to something real. The last thing I want to do is become even more detached from reality, lol
I wish I could know WHY. Maybe because we don't want to know the truth, can't handle it? Can't handle that our intuition was right?
I've noticed a few situations now where I knew what was going to happen before it happened, saw the signs, and doubted myself. Although it later came through, I still doubted. Sometimes, I see things in my relationships with people and know where it's going but yet I ignore my feelings and still go there when I should have stopped myself. So, when you have these feelings or inclines, do you ignore, dismiss, or doubt it? Now, I don't think we should go with every feeling we have, but too often, it seems we ignore our intuition when we should have listened.

How do you decide when to follow your intuition? I mean you specifically.
How do you decide when to follow your intuition? I mean you specifically.

I don't. I always second guess and most of the time, I have no choice but to simply go with the flow until I'm proven right or wrong. I never really thought of myself as having some kind of intuition until now because I associated it with Ni, but sometimes I find that I have an incline about something and because of suggestions to the contrary, I ignore it, only to find out later I was correct. I don't go in assuming I am correct which I think is the difference between Ni and Ne. For Ne, there's a million possibilities so just because you perceive one particular direction is better, your overactive mind because it knows there's other directions or decisions you can take which makes you question or second guess yourself.
I don't. I always second guess and most of the time, I have no choice but to simply go with the flow until I'm proven right or wrong. I never really thought of myself as having some kind of intuition until now because I associated it with Ni, but sometimes I find that I have an incline about something and because of suggestions to the contrary, I ignore it, only to find out later I was correct. I don't go in assuming I am correct which I think is the difference between Ni and Ne. For Ne, there's a million possibilities so just because you perceive one particular direction is better, your overactive mind because it knows there's other directions or decisions you can take which makes you question or second guess yourself.

so when given the choice between a feeling and no info, you are choosing no info?
so when given the choice between a feeling and no info, you are choosing no info?

I usually go with the feeling because it's comfortable but at some point, I scold myself for going from feeling and then redirect to consider external information before acting.
I've noticed a few situations now where I knew what was going to happen before it happened, saw the signs, and doubted myself. Although it later came through, I still doubted. Sometimes, I see things in my relationships with people and know where it's going but yet I ignore my feelings and still go there when I should have stopped myself. So, when you have these feelings or inclines, do you ignore, dismiss, or doubt it? Now, I don't think we should go with every feeling we have, but too often, it seems we ignore our intuition when we should have listened.

If we were right all the time, we wouldn't doubt. In my experience, there wasn't much to do in response to the predicted situation.
I remember the day I was "let go" from a job. The only thing I could do before that happened was pack my shit. Didn't really gain anything out of that.

Since then, I've developed a better intuition on how people regard me, and the choices they are about to make. I don't talk about it nor try to stave it off. It just seems inevitable. I might have a bit of a nihilistic view on the clockwork.

The only thing to be gained from this is "I told myself so".