Why do you live? What for?

Sheer stubbornness. I guess it's a pride thing. I can't allow myself to give up, I would be a weakling if I did. (not calling suicidal people weak, but it's very important for me to live up to this standard)

My life isn't meaningful or pleasant, and sometimes it feels like it's just a day-to-day simple existence. But even when I'm overflowing with suffering, I still know there are things I must do, and I couldn't forgive myself for giving up.

However, even though there are important people and things that give me strength to endure, I still have to live for myself, because in the end, it is the only constant I have.

This. Plus, I know it can be better, immeasurably better.
Why must you absolutely live for something?

I don't live for anything. I only live because my parents decided to have a fun night, and now that I was created, might as well live.
I feel dark. Not the comforting sort. Not the warm, blissful dark that you can crawl into and sleep amongst. Just fear, self loathing and worry.
Why am I so afraid of people? Why am I moved to panic, and physical illness when I try to join a club? I feel exhausted and I barely moved. Something I wanted to do, I tried. But I didn't even get into the room.
I feel so disgusted with myself, I had to rant about it.
This can be a rhetorical question, but is there some event or series of events from your early childhood that had traumatic outcomes when it came to dealing with people, be they strangers or known?
What do you live for?

This is why I feel empty and generic. I don't see the point of life. If one is to believe in religions like Christianity, then your goal is to love God and make it to heaven to be with him. If that is so, then you should not want of this world because it is an illusion. Anything in this lifetime is just something to seduce you to be stuck here. And I have tortured my mind in this manner... In this way, shouldn't people long for death? To join their god(s)? Wouldn't anything else be "selfish"? Then am I so horrible for not having anything to live for when what I want is in the afterlife? Why should I revulse at death?

And when I look at the world biologically (from what I understand so far), the world is constantly cleaning up after itself. Natural selection and illnesses. Then I wonder if the world works toward what is "fittest", then am I "instinctively" wanting to kill myself because I am unfit? Am I being selected against, Dear Nature? My genetic make-up, my composition just an experiment of entropy... And when the experiment has run its course, it's back to the drawing board. My essence shall dissociate into the Earth again and more madness will form, but my being ceased forever. I don't know what the world is working towards with this, but whatever it is I am a minor cell of its organism. It functioned before me and will function after me.

And in these thoughts I lose my "self". What am I? And what is this? People making others suffer over concepts, but if they thought a little more, they needn't suffer so. I look at what the world offers and I don't want anything.

I used to live for love when I believed in one true soulmate, but as I see how the men I have met in my life are, I don't want to associate with them. I don't want to be a part of this. I don't feel my expectations can be met from a romantic love, or from anyone to save me. I don't have anyone to live or die for.

And to just live life and "enjoy myself"... As I said, I don't want anything. What now?

Honestly, I still have suicidal feelings.. the only "friend" I talk to now hates it when I talk about it, he hates when I talk about all these questions and so I keep them to myself and fake the smiles. Days feel like waves, and the waves rise to "happiness", fall to neutral, and touch the edges of ending it. And the waves grow in amplitude, the more time I spend with my conclusions, the more I see nothing. No points.

What even is life?

I don't know. I think if people knew this, we wouldn't feel the need to fight each other over everything. At the same time, I wonder if they would even do anything if they knew?

I can only offer empathy.
What do you live for?

This is why I feel empty and generic. I don't see the point of life. If one is to believe in religions like Christianity, then your goal is to love God and make it to heaven to be with him. If that is so, then you should not want of this world because it is an illusion. Anything in this lifetime is just something to seduce you to be stuck here. And I have tortured my mind in this manner... In this way, shouldn't people long for death? To join their god(s)? Wouldn't anything else be "selfish"? Then am I so horrible for not having anything to live for when what I want is in the afterlife? Why should I revulse at death?

And when I look at the world biologically (from what I understand so far), the world is constantly cleaning up after itself. Natural selection and illnesses. Then I wonder if the world works toward what is "fittest", then am I "instinctively" wanting to kill myself because I am unfit? Am I being selected against, Dear Nature? My genetic make-up, my composition just an experiment of entropy... And when the experiment has run its course, it's back to the drawing board. My essence shall dissociate into the Earth again and more madness will form, but my being ceased forever. I don't know what the world is working towards with this, but whatever it is I am a minor cell of its organism. It functioned before me and will function after me.

And in these thoughts I lose my "self". What am I? And what is this? People making others suffer over concepts, but if they thought a little more, they needn't suffer so. I look at what the world offers and I don't want anything.

I used to live for love when I believed in one true soulmate, but as I see how the men I have met in my life are, I don't want to associate with them. I don't want to be a part of this. I don't feel my expectations can be met from a romantic love, or from anyone to save me. I don't have anyone to live or die for.

And to just live life and "enjoy myself"... As I said, I don't want anything. What now?

Honestly, I still have suicidal feelings.. the only "friend" I talk to now hates it when I talk about it, he hates when I talk about all these questions and so I keep them to myself and fake the smiles. Days feel like waves, and the waves rise to "happiness", fall to neutral, and touch the edges of ending it. And the waves grow in amplitude, the more time I spend with my conclusions, the more I see nothing. No points.

What even is life?

I don't know. I think if people knew this, we wouldn't feel the need to fight each other over everything. At the same time, I wonder if they would even do anything if they knew?

I can only offer empathy.

hmmm. first of all thanks for your honesty. i think i've mused over at least half the statements you made in there
but just one question to ask.
what inspires you?
personally i havnt come to a place in which i can clearly define what it is i am living for
some things i know for sure.
the betterment of those around me
the god in which i believe in
True love
my belief in the ultimate goal of god/ to re-create earth into another heaven
to make earth so wonderfull that one wouldnt have to leave in order to experience a heaven
and i would like to dedicate as much of my life as possible to that ideal. and hopefully one day none would ever feel the desire to leave. because i know that so many others have dedicated their lives to making this ideal a present reality
and more will come after me

another thing.
think about willium wallace . gave his life so that his people and their futures would continue to live with some form of freedom
Melkor, it is hard for me to try and tell you why I live and what I live for. For some reason, I get the feeling you may just laugh it away as foolishness of some sort. You want us to be blunt, but talking to people with suicidal tendencies is not a game to play around with. If I am blunt and someone takes their life, it would be terrible.
I will steer clear of being blunt and try a little honesty seasoned with a lot of restraint.

Someone or something wants you dead and will do anything and everything they can to get you to kill yourself.
Don't let them get away with it! Do not play around with it.

A very good personal friend of mine had a brother that was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. He saw demons all the time trying to kill him. His entire family had to live with this, and when he did not take his medications it got very bad. He finally was given a medication or meds that gave him peace. He went to his parents' house and said goodbye to his Mother before going out in their backyard and shooting himself. He left a note on the table that the demons had finally stopped coming after him and he wanted to die feeling like he was feeling. My heart was torn apart by his familiy's distress and his feelings. I will never forget that incident, his life, or his death. I will never forget how his family and friends felt.

Death offers you no more errors, no more mistakes, no more dark nights, no more chances of joy, no more choices, and no more opportunities in this world. You must come to grips with this reality. Maybe I will share what I live for if I think or feel you are out of the weather with this. If you are not, I wish you would get professional help immediately. May I share these words with the song?
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFKPkKo6238&feature=related"]YouTube - Cool Change - Little River Band (lyrics)[/ame]
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I live for it all.. sensual experience, personal growth, obtaining knowledge.. life is yummy.
Hrmm. At the moment, for the people that care about me and who I care about.
Beyond that... I'm still figuring it out.
Because I fear what might not come after death.

I wan't to gain the ability to stop complaining and just appreciate everything present now and comming.
I live for God. As a Christian I gave up the right to own my life and gave it to him, I was doing a rubbish job of it anyway. :m125:
I'm looking forward to the future these days rather than the cemetery.
I live for love and happiness. The more, the better. :love:
I live in hope that other may know that they to can be alive
There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle
Einstein; hey, its true
what he seems to be saying here is.
we always have a choice, and sometimes its just a choice of attitude :) mahatma ghandi;:mhula::m027::m100::m200::m107:
I live for life. :F
To find out why am I living for. :)

There -is- a positive answer. I'm sure of it.
I live because that's just what I do. I keep going because I'm too stubborn not to. Keep moving forward is my new motto. I don't dwell on the meaning of life or the purpose of existence, I just go with the flow. Seems useless to me to stress out over things that one may never know and can't control.