maybe you could have a 'creep' movement
LOL. Let's do this, guys!!!!!
Brb while I buy a bulk package of mace.
maybe you could have a 'creep' movement
lol. Let's do this, guys!!!!!
Brb while i buy a bulk package of mace.
That was a pretty jerky thing to say... it kind of proves that labels like creep for guys and 'slut' for girls are as much about empowering one's self as they are about putting others down. It's kind of interesting though how it seems that 'slut' is actually becoming more socially acceptable... maybe you could have a 'creep' movement or something and stand up for men's rights to hit on girls who may not be interested in them? Obviously they should back off if there's a direct answer, but I don't think it's healthy for guys to go around afraid to start conversations with girls because it could be perceived as creepy.
1. Women can be creeps too, but they don't get in as much trouble for it.
2. While it is good to point out when a guy has crossed your boundaries (especially if he really is being a creep), a lot of women seem to use the word just to ostracize men that they personally don't like who don't do anything to them. Grabbing a girl's butt or telling her exactly how you'd like to do her are good examples of being creepy, but the word gets tossed around at guys who don't do anything like that and who, from what I've seen, just happen to be less attractive than average and a bit on the strange side.
Sorry, but I'm going to have to completely disagree with you. I would consider that sexual harrassment and pervy behaviour. The guy might be a creep as well, but creepy isn't the first word that would come to mind.
For me, creepy behaviour consists of someone who's just always kind of skulking around. A guy who maybe openly gawks/pervs/is obviously undressing you with his eyes, slight innapropriate or unwanted touching/contact, someone who is persistant in interest in an innapropriate manner despite being politely shot down. Some truly creepy guys you can just sense...there have been some guys I've met where my intuition has just told me. I've felt uneasy around them and wouldn't want to be caught on my own around the person.
I think some girls are just cruel and stuck up and don't really look at a guy. Some guys are just sweet and socially awkward and need to be treated as such....they'd probably be devastated if they knew how they were coming off to others. I very rarely use the word creep.
For all you forum creeps, male or female:
A while back in college, there was this guy who would follow my friend around..
She would always tell me how horribly creepy he was. I guess while she stood outside waiting for her ride, he would stare at her and then slowly make his way to her in this weird zig zag way, as if he were moving like a chess piece to get near her.
She would tell me about all the creepy things he would say and do.
Then I picked her up from work some months later, and she ran out to my car and threw a newspaper at me and there he was, in the Times, for having attempted to kidnap a little girl while she walked home from her friends.
Luckily the girl kicked the hell out of his shins and got away. Here is his actual mugshot:
The Korgs Primer thread got me thinking. Considering that women do want a driven and aggressive man, you have to be a certain kind of aggressive to be both acceptable and not a creep. I mean creeps can be aggressive after all.
That's an interesting point.
I think there's a difference between assertiveness and aggression that arises out of desperation. The only way I can think to explain it is that assertiveness comes from a place of self-confidence wherein a man's attempts to woe and win over a woman aren't done to bolster up an already frail ego or fill up a hole inside him but rather to compliment him as a partner. In my experience, creepy men tend to be those who seem like they want to possess you rather than be with you.
Of course, a creep can also learn to feign assertiveness and cover up his possessive intentions, but that's usually why he succeeds where the creeps with the 'unpolished' approach fail.
So basically, if you are desperate, domineering, manipulative and/or aggressive about pursuing relationships.. then you are a creep.
I've seen men called creeps that display none of these qualities. Usually they are odd looking men.
Yeah, you've seen.
You haven't been the recipient of those attentions.
But different people are creeped out by different things.
Maybe some people are creeped out by uglies.
I'm not. But some are.
Yeah, you've seen.
You haven't been the recipient of those attentions.
But different people are creeped out by different things, I suppose.
Really whiney, desperate, aggressive guys with no social skills creep me out.
Also really suave manipulate charmers creep me out.
Maybe some people are creeped out by uglies.
I'm not. But some are.