Why so touchy about religion?

Right is another word for "Truth".
There are three levels in Epistimology:

Knowledge is Accurate Verified Factual Belief.
Belief is Unverified information believed to be accurate knowledge.
Thought is information that we do not place value on with regards to accuracy.

Right, is equated to Knowledge.

Knowledge in Greek is Scientia, the word Science comes from.
Scientific Verification is required to "Prove" something to be Knowledge.

If it cannot be scientifically verified to the point where it becomes a Scientific Law, it's not Right.
People don't like to have the faults of their beliefs plainly pointed out.

People put it on a pedastal, and don't want to see it brought down to something *gasp* human.

But is science the end-all be-all?
Yes. Because it doesn't end. It demands constant questioning and verification.
Yes. Because it doesn't end. It demands constant questioning and verification.

In other words the idea that ones beliefs *track* which is very hard for most people to do.

As for religion I don't give damn what people do as long as they don't hurt others and don't come forcing their crap on me. :m145:
Meh. Whenever I see two people arguing about religion, it reminds me of a marital quarrel; often, the argument is more about defending whats yours, and less about working out all the logitistics. And religion is not just a view, it's the view that you personally adopt, or grew up with, and therefore, it becomes part of your identity. If someone attacks that view, on some level, it's almost too easy to get away with blowing your top.

I almost feel like putting this in the mature topics thread lol.

But I've noticed that people get extremely stubborn over religious discussions. Particularly over the harm or the good religion has caused. I am not just talking about theists, atheists can be just as bad (ex Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins.)

Also whenever I bring up religion with other people they either get extremely uncomfortable or extremely pissed.

So I ask why?

Why so touchy?

Why so insistent?

I have my own theories that I will bring up later I am to sleepy to write them.

Be nice ! I mean it!

I personally don't like talking about religion on the web because of the limitations inherent in this form of communication. Examples include a lack of real time feedback mechanisms and other information that comes with traditional one on one real world interaction (such as body posture, tone of voice, etc.)

More to come after I have given it some thought.
Religion cannot be disproven, and neither can Science.

Right is something that cannot be disproven, right doesn't mean it's correct, just that it's the most correct at the moment.

The reason religion is such a drag is because it always comes back to a clash between Science and Religion, when, in previous threads, we've explained that Science and Religion are not attempting to do the same thing. They have different objectives and goals, therefore, it's difficult to compare them at an equal level, when they are not.
The reason religion is such a drag is because it always comes back to a clash between Science and Religion
No, sometimes religion does well enough defeating itself by contradiction. No oranges are necessary to prove some apples rotten.
But see, it's statements like that which deconstruct the merit of religion, people feel like their beliefs are being persecuted because of the variety of reasons people chose not believe in a religion. And people who do believe in a religion often feel like their beliefs are being persecuted because of the variety reason people chose to believe in a religion.

The thing is, talking about religion VS non religion is pointless. I don't see what the end result is. It's a debate that's gone on forever and probably will until the end of time.

It's like having repeated discussions on when language was first used. Well, language was invented before any written history, so it's pretty impossible to tell when the first word was uttered in time. People will debate that at a certain time the vocal chords were developed enough for speech to be possible, speech like our speech, and they say, that is when language first began. Others say that language could have occured before, just with a less varient of sounds---grunting, perhaps. But in the end, none of it can be proven. Just because speech is possible doesn't mean it actually happened, and vise versa. I feel like religious debates are pretty much the same way.
But see, it's statements like that which deconstruct the merit of religion, people feel like their beliefs are being persecuted because of the variety of reasons people chose not believe in a religion.

It appears to me that most complaints of persecution are aimed at "dogmatic" scientists. Isn't it rather difficult to point to a broad range of reasons as the source of persecution, especially when the opposing position is not organized or even in agreement on its designations?
Yes. Because it doesn't end. It demands constant questioning and verification.
But it's not because science doesn't have ethics. It just gives you the knowlege but it doesn't tell you how it should be used.
edit: I meant to say doesn't include ethics. My bad.
I wasn't trying to say scientists are inethical. I definately disagree with that statement. And for the record, I absolutely believe in evolution. :P
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should have your own ethics, not rely on mr magic man to tell you them

or aren't you an ethical person?
yeah I do have my own ethics but I'm just saying that science isn't the be all end all whatever.
And religion gives people hope.
wow I do sound kind of touchy :P
I don't think religion should be used as justification for stupid immoral behavior, and I don't take the Bible literally but I'm religious because it's good . . . essencialy. it helps people and gives them strength and helps them remember their morals and I don't think everyone has to be reliogious or anything, if it's not for you fine but relgion is the answer for a lot of people and I don't see that as a bad thing.
sorry for my atroshis spelling :P
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I agree that some are touchy about it because it is the core of their very being...They base most of their lives upon what they believe in. I do not ever get into any kind of religious debate because NEITHER side will see truth or logic in the other..It is a ridiculous and stupid debate. Non believers cannot make the believers not believe anymore, and the believers cannot get the non believers to suddenly believe...I say let it alone...

I am only answering original posters questions because we are already getting into serious debate in here. UGH!
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People are touchy about religion because they overestimate it's importance.
Sometimes discussions about religious beliefs can be/feel invalidating to those who hold the beliefs. I'm referring to the people who feel this way who have honestly examined their beliefs.

I almost feel like putting this in the mature topics thread lol.

But I've noticed that people get extremely stubborn over religious discussions. Particularly over the harm or the good religion has caused. I am not just talking about theists, atheists can be just as bad (ex Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins.)

Also whenever I bring up religion with other people they either get extremely uncomfortable or extremely pissed.

So I ask why?

Why so touchy?

Why so insistent?

I have my own theories that I will bring up later I am to sleepy to write them.

Be nice ! I mean it!

To me, I don't like people saying bad things about what I believe in when there's no need. And I don't like the mean radicals in my religion.

If you don't believe in God but respect my opinion, then I will do the same.
Does it have to be proven with science?

What happened to faith?

You can't prove anything with faith. Faith asks for things not to be proven. I've got a naturally questioning mind, I'll never take something important on faith.