I dislike them in general, and on principle. As someone else mentioned they tend to be formulaic or ridiculously pedantic. Or they're stereotypes about one or both genders.
But as another person said, the 1950s romantic comedies actually were pretty savvy. Everyone had snappy dialog that was both fast and furious. And the man got in just as many zingers as the woman. I think what also helped was they weren't necessarily just about romance; there was an additional plot, or mystery, or murder thrown in there. If they ever did go the romance route, there were plenty of pitfalls and serious situations, and you really didn't know if they'd get together in the end. Sometimes they didn't.
Today's rom-coms feel like they don't believe the average audience can handle a "real" plot. Even some of the 80s rom-coms had an occasional plot thrown in ("Romancing the Stone" for example). But it's been a while since a rom-com's appeared with a different "bent."
Me, I'm not into the "standard." If you're going to fall in love, then give me another genre with it - science fiction or fantasy, mystery, drama, chiller...you name it. The comedic aspect of falling in love has been done to death, IMO.