Why the Hatred Towards Scientology?

My gripe with it is the idea that if you're not part of the crowd and not someone interested in participating in it, then you're not worthy of their time, someone to be more less cut off.

My personal experience with one was meeting a very friendly guy who seemed warm and genuine, but he wanted to shake my hand and I don't appreciate physical contact, even with friends, much less someone I just met at a bus stop. When I turned down his offer, he seemed playful about it but I could sense genuine disappointment in me from him. He never spoke with me again from that moment on.

I hope it was just a personal thing with the man I met, but from what I researched, it seems to be a common thing. "Cut all negative people out of your life." In theory can be a healthy method of coping, but in practice can be rather limiting and isolating. Taken too far, and it appears to be an avoidance strategy and very unhealthy one long run.

I have issues with the concept of us vs the outsiders in other religions too, but that is my take on Scientology specifically.
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Okay, so we all know that Scientology is the magnet of criticism and condemnation. But why?

Sure, they use cheap labor and people live meagers lives. So do Catholic monks and Buddhist practitioners.
Sure, they might believe that an intergalactic warlord sent souls to Earth, or whatever, but Christians believe in a man that died for 7 days and came back to life. Muslims believe that humans were made by a clot of blood.
Sure, they might tell people to stay away from the internet. It says in the Qu'ran that women shouldn't pluck their eyebrows and that yawning comes from the Devil. The old testament has 613 commandments detail-controlling the lives of its practitioners.

I could go on. Like other religions, they believe that they are improving the lives of its practitioners. Why go so hard after Scientology when they're just a religion like any other?

Are you kidding? Scientology has a history of abuse and human rights violations. They're f'ing evil.
I fucking love Scientology. I love anything cult like. It's so fascinating to me how people can get so indocrinated into an ideology that they're willing to sign their lives over for a billion year contract. It's amazing to me that parents will view their children as adults and give up all responsibility for raising them. It's amazing that friends and family will disown each other just because one doesn't agree with the other's beliefs. That's like Mormonism and Jehova's Witnesses too which also fascinate me.

The thing that gets me the most about Scientology is their infiltration of the USA government and how they got tax exempt status. Couple that with the fact that they keep making minor corrections to their new material and make their members pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to get to the top OT level courses. Scientology is like a shitty pay to win game that starts out innocent enough but ends up taking over your entire life and brainwashing you.

It's incredible to me the dictatorship they have going on and how the entire religion is based on LRH who was a total sociopath who manipuated people into believing his absolute bullshit and made a fortune off of it. It's just so intriguing to me how susceptible people are to this shit.

I love Leah Remini's show about it because it shows the absolute scumbaggery of the religion as well. But you can't even blame the people because they're completely indoctrinated slowly over time - they don't even recognize what they're doing as wrong. It's crazy and fascinating.
It is a huge cult and business.

Do you see how the churches are? It’s insane how much money is accumulated within Scientology.

Nothing but a bunch of odd people in Scientology as well. The amount of indoctrination and brainwash is quite astounding.

And L. Ron Hubbard, the man who was the founder and inventor of the Church of Scientology, was a complete scam-artist and liar. So many families are affected and torn apart due to Scientology.