Why the ISTJ animosity?

One of my best friends is ISTJ. There are certain things I feel we will probably never understand about each other, but that's also part of the beauty I think.

It's more about if a person is in balance or not than the type, I would say.
I really hope you don't leave. Your presence here is appreciated. You've never bothered me. I don't have anything against ISTJs. I've just never had a "thing" for an ISTJ. That's all I was saying in my comment that you quoted. Maybe I'm not most compatible with ISTJs but that's fine. That doesn't mean I dislike them.
How many of us have an ISTJ parent? Could animosity stem from friction there?
Half of the given quotes are from the same thread and I wouldn't say that they were meant to be insulting at all. If you read that thread carefully than you could notice that people there wanted advice how to get along with ISTJs, among other sensor types, in the workplace, not badmouthing them.

Now, if you are strongly relating to your type I think that everyone who participated in that particular discussion would appreciate your input and your thoughts on that matter, I know I would.

Since the whole forum revolves around the particular part of the MBTI, some stereotyping is to be expected, but I never got the sense than people are so serious about it. When I'm replying in a discussion I rarely if ever take a look what are the types of people who posted before me, or OPs, I don't care, but that just might be me.

And I guess but haven't tried it yet, that if you try searching any other type mentioning on the forum, you could compile the same list for it and call it animosity towards that particular type.

All in all, if what I wrote in that earlier mentioned thread offended you in any way, I'm sorry, it wasn't meant that way. I hope you'll stay since I haven't seen much of your posts since I joined here so I don't know you at all, and I'd like to know you.
Damn it, now i’m going to have to get a facebook so I can stalk you. I mean seduce you. It’s going to be at least 50% less awesome if you leave as far as I’m concerned. And besides, you’re my forum husband and you’re not allowed to divorce me.

But I'll respect your decision either way.
i truly am sorry my post offended you. :(
My dad is an ISTJ. He's awesome. I know a girl who's an INFJ, and she sucks. I dislike typing people for the reasons that led to the creation of the thread. I like your posts, and it would suck if you left, but it's ultimately your decision.
I agree with what Von said but for me its SJ's in general.
I have picked up on the general dislike of the ISTJ type on this forum. I get that this is not a forum for ISTJs but I didnt realize it was an unspoken norm. Here I have compiled a most of the times when ISTJs get bad mouthed on the forum. As I see my type (or maybe just me, Im sure I give us a bad rep) is unwelcome, please permanently ban me. Thanks.

I don't think any personality type is unwelcome here. You have every right to stay if you want to. :)

Realise that the comments you've highlighted were spoken about other people, not about you. They are obviously over-generalizations...

Because surely if NFs are as open minded and as socially minded as they claim to be, they would not form a negative prejudice against 20% of the worlds population simply because of their MBTI grouping... :wink:
This thread is a good reminder, at least for myself, that it's not good to stereotype anyone, especially based on type. We are individuals after all, as many have tried to remind us here in other threads on the board. Thx.
My father is ISTJ and honestly, while we butt heads a lot, he has given me some invaluable life lessons.

Everyone has some sort of value. One simply has to stop being ignorant to it.
Are you sure?

One of my best friends is your type.

I would be lying if I denied that ISTJ's and ESTJ's are the two types most likely to come closest to embodying everything that annoys me and disgusts me about human beings. That doesn't change the fact that there are plenty of them out there who are genuinely open-minded and good people, though. I keep my STJ complaints confined to a crevice somewhere in the middle of my throat for the sake of the STJ's that I actually like.
I am actually learning that I like SJ's a lot. Mind you, most of them are females, but I just have not met many male SJ's yet (I know there out there). I actually tend to have the most problems with NT's.
I would be lying if I denied that ISTJ's and ESTJ's are the two types most likely to come closest to embodying everything that annoys me and disgusts me about human beings. That doesn't change the fact that there are plenty of them out there who are genuinely open-minded and good people, though. I keep my STJ complaints confined to a crevice somewhere in the middle of my throat for the sake of the STJ's that I actually like.

I get on just fine with my ISTJ friend and my brother-in-law (yes, I know two of them!). We may not be on the same wave-length, but they aren't offensive or horrible and the conversation can be pretty good (as long as it's not debating. They hate me debating...).
For some reason I always want to give the ISTJs I know a hug.
I now feel a little guilty because I once posted something fairly similar to the statements quoted without thinking once about the fact that an ISTJ might have been present. I will say that I never meant it with much heart.

To tell you the truth, when confronted by an ISTJ, I feel more confusion than dislike. I simply do not understand the way you function cognitively, and I am willing to bet you feel the same way sometimes about us INFJs.
I love how when a user makes an initial thread like this and it seems like it's the equivalent of the Fonz hitting the jukebox, IN FACT! I think I've seen this scene on happy days:


One thing that you should try to keep in mind uberrogo is that this is a personality type specific forum and as such, as with any social group, prejudices are bound to form, be it in this instance prejudice against ISTJ's or intelligent people being prejudice against people with athletic ability or what have you, it's human nature to form bonds on similar interest and to "rise up" in some sense against other groups that the group in question feel have wronged them in some way.

I agree it's a shame people do that, I can't say I'm not included, doubt anyone can, but one thing that you should notice, although yes members here have bad mouthed your MBTI type, how many of those have insulted you as a person, as an individual, it might be that your the exception, that you alone are single handedly changing INFJ perspectives around the globe.....ooooooor it could just be that the idea of ISTJ's as far as profile descriptions goes is of bad taste and thus when people are met that they don't like they are initially typed as ISTJ's, I'm not saying that there aren't some ISTJ's that are jerks cause there are, and of course there are some great ISTJ's, all in all I wouldn't take it personally, INFJ's have their own stereotype that other types dislike I'm sure.

Maybe this would be a good time for both sides to take a look at what they've said previously and consider the implications, likewise we should all we should keep in mind that prejudice is going to exist one way or another and although a person may hold a prejudice against a social group to which you are a member it doesn't necessarily mean that they dislike you as a person, not to mention it could purely be based on a misguided view, maybe instead of taking offense and lashing out thus furthering a stereotype instead seek to connect on a shared foundation and better explain or inform the person of well....in this case ISTJ's, how they see the world and how this may affect the type of language they use and the actions they take.

If the reasons why a person takes a course of action be it communicative or physical is known then the act itself will become less shocking thus quite possibly less offensive and maybe a polite corrective measure can be taken. :)

anyway, just my thoughts, feel free to ignore :P
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We probably wouldn't get along if we both hadn't already accepted the premise that: People are different and we don't need to change them or adjust them to fit our respective fancies. I like you because you're quite different from me, you see things differently and care about different things. And yet neither of us takes ourselves seriously enough to get all bent out of shape about our personality differences.

It is pretty annoying to see any whining about specific types who don't understand the whiner or do things their way. So, before anyone wants to whine about how much SJs suck or how closed off NTs are or any other junk stereotype (yada yada) you may want to pause and consider this: "I should totally get over myself!"

Joining an mbti forum and feeling justified in now having another tool to complain about people for being different than yourself just communicates how ineffective that individual is in their interactions, and also how incapable they are of accepting responsibility for their relational shortcomings..
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