I'm the exact same to Ortorin here, except that I am religious. And while I've never tried to convert anyone in my life, everyone's always seemed to want to convert me to an atheist. It's just about as - if not more - frustrating, because it comes down to people using your beliefs to wipe their arse with them.
I hardly ever talk about religion, unless it's with my close circle of aquaintances. And even then, I maintain a very distant position, because nothing in this world breaks a relationship as much as talking about religion or politics.
Personally, I'm not a 100% religious person. I believe in God (as a catholic cristian) and I believe in heaven, hell and a bigger purpose in life. I, however, do not believe in the church. I hate the church and all its bigots and fascists. I hate the rules men have imposed as God's, when they're not. They make me ashamed of being bundled in their group at times.
Religion for me is a support in life; I do not often pray, but I remember what I believe in and I find it to occupy an important spot in my mind. It's helped me to stop thinking about somber and fatal ideas at times and in general, it's also helped me to be a better person. So al in all, I hold religion as something very personal, very intimate that I keep for me and myself just as long as no one comes proding with the stupidity stick and asking me to give it up.