Today I went on facebook and a friend of mine had posted in his status "Women Are Stupid."
It was interesting to see all the women rushing on there and calling him a loser, or coming up with their own statements like "women are stupid, but men are assholes." Some of the replies are as follows:
"that is not nice not all women the same could be said for men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"We're crazy not stupid"
"Yes women are stupid. The majority are like Eve. Stupid manipulative bitches. Nothing has changed."
"Men are egotistical, compensatory narcissists... point proven."
"Women may be stupid but men are shit...

" lol. This is awesome. I love seeing the comments coming out of the woodwork defending women and then turning around and insulting men. Women are so quick to call men stupid, assholes, sexist, pigs, etc and yet when a guy turns around and calls women stupid it's like the greatest sin on earth has been committed, like women are owed something just for being women." (posted by me)
And my PERSONAL favourite: "sandra is stupid"
All of these are posted by women. Most women either agree that they're stupid, but men are something MUCH worse (shit, assholes) or say they're not stupid, just crazy. Then they blame men for their craziness. To me this is stupidity at it's finest. Women degrading themselves and giving into an obvious social experiment by becoming personally offended by it, and then attacking their own gender with their own labels (crazy, manipulative, bitches), then turning around and attacking men, and THEN personally attacking each other.
What does this say about women in general? Why are we so quick to be offended and point fingers instead of looking at ourselves and behaviour and wondering why someone might be saying that about us?
What do all of you think of this? The second I read that status and saw that there were 31 replies I already knew what I was going to see before I even expanded them. Are women really stupid? Or is the whole world just gone crazy?