La Sagna
I did it! I'm a butterfly!
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To me, that's just a part of one's personal hygiene. Like, it doesn't even have to have anything to do with others, that's just being well, clean. Sometimes it seems like there's so much stigma around wearing makeup and such, and that being "shallow," that some people avoid associating themselves with makeup. Honestly, there are so many reasons why a person, male or female, might play with their appearance, that it's impossible to generalize or assume the reasons why. For instance, the aforementioned and common generalization that wearing makeup is shallow or superficial, is incredibly lacking. One could perhaps apply it on an individual level, but not at all to the general act of wearing makeup.
Personally, I do not care whether or not someone wears makeup, in the same way that I don't care if someone has tattoos, or if they wear their hair a certain way, or dress a certain way. I get confused when others do, like it's any of their business at all what someone does with their body. I sometimes think of the human body like a canvas, and makeup just another medium used on that canvas. You can keep it "natural," or you can do otherwise, it's all still an expression of self.
Anyway, despite my makeup advocacy or whatever, I personally don't really wear makeup, but a good deal of that is due to laziness, not being great at it, running my hands over my face in frustration so often it'd ruin the makeup anyway, etc.
I think this just goes with the theme that women are 'damned if they do' and ' damned if they don't'. If we don't wear makeup we are seen as less attractive and therefore risk losing out to those women who do wear (natural looking) makeup...but there is also this idea that we are vain if we wear makeup.
I think natural looking makeup helps women be accepted more and listened to more because it helps them look in a way that is more accepted in our society.