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Grow up
Stop believing in invisible beings.
Grow up
Whatever a certain religion says should go on within the religion, should be what goes on. I dont think people outside the religion should have a say.
As this has to do with the Christian Religion, I am going to use Christian Scripture to answer.
1 Timothy 2
11 A woman should learn in quietness and full submission.
12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.
13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.
15 But women[a] will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.
Want Authority in a religion, to teach, Convert to a religion that allows it in scripture.
TOoSG allows such.
In this I agree with Uber.
Except that the New Testament was written in Greek as it was the common language of the time.
Oh and not all preachers wear clerical garb.
Myself, I'm a Youth and Family Ministry major at the college I attend. They offer this major to women not so that they have authority over a man (instead of Preaching class, which is required for men in the major, we have a class called Religious Speaking for Women to Women), and women in this major are expected to be seeking a husband who is a bible major as well, as they intend for women to use this major as a support role to their husbands. My husband is a Biblical Languages major.
Women can still do a lot in the church; I intend on working as a counselor in a church office with female, teen, or child clients, or perhaps a family. But under no circumstances will I see a man alone, and honestly it's the best policy that a pastor doesn't see a woman alone.
On occasion I can see myself leading a ladies' bible class. There's still use for a woman who has teaching as a spiritual gift.
Then make your own religion up.Then according to this I am already condemned and so are many other women that praise and love their creator.
My blood boils every time I read this passage because of the hurt and misunderstanding that it has caused over the last thousand years to both men and women. I believe that every follower of Christ should have the joy to share and teach the gospel to everyone, regardless of age, race, gender and background.
I am not a part of the church nor do I have to be. I dislike how Paul refers to marriage between and man and a woman in the same fashion as how he does with the church and Christ. Its not the same.
Yes, Eve was deceived but Adam in my mind was the bigger fool. He failed to protect Eve and instead choose to listen to her and the devil instead of God. Why is Paul trying to redeem the mistakes of man when he is in the same boat as woman? The truth is we both sinned and turned our backs to God.
Childbearing? That is not my calling from God.
I fail to see the logic in Paul's words. In many ways, I see Paul as one of many influences that transformed Christianity into something it wasn't meant to be, a religion.
And yet, many God-fearing submissive to their husbands women die in childbirth every year.. or even miscarry or deliver still born OR are infertile! etc. etc.Ah yes, that last line from that passage... so grossly misinterpreted as it doesn't flow well in English.
It doesn't mean that bearing a child will be what saves you from hell. What it does mean is that God will protect women in their childbearing if she is living in proper relation to her husband and her role in the church.
Ah yes, that last line from that passage... so grossly misinterpreted as it doesn't flow well in English.
It doesn't mean that bearing a child will be what saves you from hell. What it does mean is that God will protect women in their childbearing if she is living in proper relation to her husband and her role in the church.