Women Protesting Trump

Actually, Trump has commented on late term abortions, specifically mentioning last trimester abortions.

Allegations, exaggerations, and escalation doesn't help dialogue. Forget Trump: What is your response to the notion that women should have rights over their uteri, but not over the life/death of the fetus?

Trump has stated that he is planning to overturn Wade vs Roe, the landmark case giving women the right to have abortions. This is the genuine political situation that women are responding to. I unconditionally support women in their freedom of choice to have an abortion.
Trump has stated that he is planning to overturn Wade vs Roe, the landmark case giving women the right to have abortions. This is the genuine political situation that women are responding to. I unconditionally support women in their freedom of choice to have an abortion.
OK... but where do you stand on abortions which do not kill the fetus, but leave it intact to be taken home, or adopted out?
OK... but where do you stand on abortions which do not kill the fetus, but leave it intact to be taken home, or adopted out?

I personally disagree with late stage abortions but I think that the intricacies of the practical situation are very complicated, and for that reason I support abortion unconditionally. But to answer your question properly, I'm not sure. That's a very interesting dilemma and since I have never given it any thought I'm not sure what to say. My automatic response in those conditions (which I currently regard as strictly hypothetical) is to support the life of baby, but I would need to think about it a lot more. It is not simple and I can't think about it properly right now because I am too tired to give it proper thought.
All articles are created so what's your point here? Of course if you ask someone who is angry what the problem is they may not be able to articulate why they are so upset. That doesn't invalidate the movement, but it does provide the energy to get something done.
As you so elegantly put it, who cares?
Seriously though, nothing is getting done here. These protests change exactly nothing.
As you so elegantly put it, who cares?
Seriously though, nothing is getting done here. These protests change exactly nothing.
It's such a waste of energy. I think Trump's team needs to focus more on the people who can't stand him: win them over to building things instead of marching around in the circles of indignation.
One good thing did come from these protests. Madonna should now be labeled as a known terrorist toward American interests. Hopefully she is barred from ever entering the US again.
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@Flavus Aquila you asked a question and I answered from the perspective of someone who's been keeping track of the plans for the march and who cares very much about women's issues.
If you listen to the speeches given at the march you will see that they mention Trump and his appointees as a threat to women. Did you think it was just coincidence that the march was on the day after the inauguration of Trump? This is a message to him and to everyone who voted for him.

There are very good reasons why the Women's March statements were worded the way they are but I'm guessing it would be a waste of breath to explain this to you. Your disrespect for people is apparent and this has turned out to be a thread where two males discuss their opinions on what women "should" be doing and not listening to a word any woman has said. You guys are part of the reason that women need to march to make a point that shouldn't have to be made.
As you so elegantly put it, who cares?
Seriously though, nothing is getting done here. These protests change exactly nothing.

I disagree. For one the people participating are sending a message. That does not mean it will be received, but message sent. Then other women and peaceful protesters will feel emboldened to take action. Followed by violent activists who will feel emboldened, then you will see the change. Then the peaceful activists will be heard and you will get another Obama in 2020, probably an extreme communist one. Mission Accomplished.
“We didn’t protest and get violent when Obama won.”
