
HAHA thank you, I'm alright though. I've done this once before, to be honest what is scaring me more than anything is not having health coverage. I honestly don't have a clue what is going to happen in regard to that right now.
Yikes... that is scary.

I do not know where you live, but if it is applicable, have you looked into Medicaid? It provides insurance for pregnant women with family incomes up to $19,565 for a family of two but many states provide coverage for women with incomes up to $27,214.


Here are some mandatory benefits Medicaid covers:

Also, if you are interested, home births can cost way less than hospital births. Planned Parenthood centers can put you in touch with providers of free or inexpensive pregnancy care. Childbirth pain is nothing compared to hurt they put on your wallet. :D Best of luck!:hug:

/derailing thread
What ever a "del" is as seen in the OP, is the unit they use to measure it, if you cared to read the OP in the first place.
I can't find any credible source mentioning the unit del, and given the epistemological difficulties outlined by Stu I doubt any "unit of pain" exists (unless the amount of substance x is assumed to be a proxy for pain, but that's hardly sound). The pic in the OP is quite likely just some arbitrary figures intended to cause a strong reaction.

Not that there's anything wrong with discussing it, but quantifying and inter-personally comparing subjective concepts is best to avoid (unless done figuratively)
Don't severe burns kill the nerve endings anyway and you don't feel anything?

Screw the pain of childbirth. I was always scared of that "have them the rest of your life part". No kids for me.
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Childbirth isn't painful for everyone, though. My mom's labours were so fast that my sister and I were both out super fast. They didn't even bother with the epidural because basically as soon as the labour started, we were out. My sister recently had a baby and hers was very fast and low pain also. I think she said that her baby was out in less than 20 minutes. She was sore afterwards of course but the labour itself was very easy for her.

Maybe this is just my family lol. We seem to be very lucky in that none of us get flus, fevers or other sicknesses. We all seem to have a very high level of pain tolerance and as far as I can tell with the women in my family, childbirth is a breeze.
on a scale of 1-16 where would you put uberrogo's opening post? Where 1 is stubbing your toe in a dream and 16 is giving birth to a full grown Korg through your poop shoot.
I had an 18 hour labor and my epidural didn't work. I took the classes but since I assumed the epidural would work, I didn't really pay attention to the pain management part. I lost my shit...I literally lost it. I lost my mind, I went insane. I've never lost control likethat before. I lost control of myself and the situation and it was really scary. I really wish I would have kept it together, I feel weak. I almost want to do it again to prove to myself I can handle it, but I would need to prepare myself mentally for the pain.
I had an 18 hour labor and my epidural didn't work. I took the classes but since I assumed the epidural would work, I didn't really pay attention to the pain management part. I lost my shit...I literally lost it. I lost my mind, I went insane. I've never lost control likethat before. I lost control of myself and the situation and it was really scary. I really wish I would have kept it together, I feel weak. I almost want to do it again to prove to myself I can handle it, but I would need to prepare myself mentally for the pain.

i know what you mean by losing it.
when i was having my second child i actually threatened to strangle the nurse. i raised my hands up into claws and said put your neck in here and i will pop your fucking brain out!! i called her a twat and told her to get the hell away from me.
she did not like me.
i did not like her either so we were even.
i know what you mean by losing it.
when i was having my second child i actually threatened to strangle the nurse. i raised my hands up into claws and said put your neck in here and i will pop your fucking brain out!! i called her a twat and told her to get the hell away from me.
she did not like me.
i did not like her either so we were even.

Lol. At least you got angry, I was such a pussy... I just gave up. I told everyone I couldn't do it anymore and my nurses were telling me that I had to keep going and I was like Lol Nope. I dug my heels in, my stubborn nature came out as if there was anything I could do to stop what was happening to me. Lol! The labor was long, I had pitocin because my water broke but contractions never started, then 17.45 hours in they realize my water hadn't broken all the way. Doc breaks my water and I finally pull it together and push that baby out in 15 minutes with the fear of god in me. Lol. I just wanted it to be over and damn it if I wasn't pushing if my life depended on it, I think it did! Lol. Hahahaha. What's funny is I remember how much despair I was in, but can't for the life of me remember or imagine the pain anymore. It's like it's been erased from my memory. It's fuggin strange I tell you..and of course the only reason I'd be crazy enough to do it again! :) I thiink the pitocin made contractions worse than they normally would have been, so if I do it again I'll either be sure the epidural works or refuse pitocin no matter what.

my nurses were mean too, doc was cool though. :) One was old, and had seen so many births that I think she just lost her empathy for her patients. That irked me a little of course. ;)
Lol. At least you got angry, I was such a pussy... I just gave up. I told everyone I couldn't do it anymore and my nurses were telling me that I had to keep going and I was like Lol Nope. I dug my heels in, my stubborn nature came out as if there was anything I could do to stop what was happening to me. Lol! The labor was long, I had pitocin because my water broke but contractions never started, then 17.45 hours in they realize my water hadn't broken all the way. Doc breaks my water and I finally pull it together and push that baby out in 15 minutes with the fear of god in me. Lol. I just wanted it to be over and damn it if I wasn't pushing if my life depended on it, I think it did! Lol. Hahahaha. What's funny is I remember how much despair I was in, but can't for the life of me remember or imagine the pain anymore. It's like it's been erased from my memory. It's fuggin strange I tell you..and of course the only reason I'd be crazy enough to do it again! :) I thiink the pitocin made contractions worse than they normally would have been, so if I do it again I'll either be sure the epidural works or refuse pitocin no matter what.

my nurses were mean too, doc was cool though. :) One was old, and had seen so many births that I think she just lost her empathy for her patients. That irked me a little of course. ;)

i find that nurses in the maternity ward are generally not very sweet or comforting. you'd think they would be considering what the woman is going through. what really irked me was the way this nurse was going on about how i should be feeling or what i should be doing.
i asked if she ever had a child, she said no, i said so shut the fuck up then. you know nothing!!
the problem was that my daughter was trying to be born back first. not bum first or head first.
so they had to go in there with every contraction, put their hand up through my cervix and try to move her. this was every two minutes.
i wanted to kill her. i would have too, had she gotten close enough! i have never forgiven her for her snotty attitude and holier than thou approach to my experience. when you are having delivery contractions (2 minutes apart) and you have someone's hand shoved into your uterus each time, you get a bit cranky.
they did not give me a c section because they had induced my labor in the first place. she should not have been born that day.
oh yeah?
well i had an episiotomy. so there.

Oh yeah? Well I tore. (both times, but I also had big babies ... the first 8lb 4oz and the 2nd 9lb 6 oz.) :D

on a scale of 1-16 where would you put uberrogo's opening post? Where 1 is stubbing your toe in a dream and 16 is giving birth to a full grown Korg through your poop shoot.

On your scale 1 to 16 ... I give it a 10.

Not all women have the same pain tolerance level. According to VVV below ... about a 6.
View attachment 11881
Oh yeah? Well I tore. (both times, but I also had big babies ... the first 8lb 4oz and the 2nd 9lb 6 oz.) :D

On your scale 1 to 16 ... I give it a 10.

Not all women have the same pain tolerance level. According to VVV below ... about a 6.
View attachment 11881

lol ok you win. (yikes @ tearing!)
when a man asks what it feels like to have a child i just say imagine passing a twenty pound frozen turkey through your penis.
I tore. 9lb 8oz baby in 15 minutes! Lol. Idk how I feel talking about this. Lol

Why? haha Congratulations! You just gave birth to a 2 month old!

My 1st 14 hr labor and 30 min delivery. My second 3 hour labor, 5 minute delivery.
Why? haha Congratulations! You just gave birth to a 2 month old!

My 1st 14 hr labor and 30 min delivery. My second 3 hour labor, 5 minute delivery.

Lol! IDK why I'm getting uncomfortable. Maybe i'm afraid I didn't get put back together as well as I should have been? Lol. Oh geez. :)
Lol! IDK why I'm getting uncomfortable. Maybe i'm afraid I didn't get put back together as well as I should have been? Lol. Oh geez. :)

I'm sure you are fine! A very close friend had a c-section and they didn't put the small intestine back in properly ... now she has something poking out near her belly button. She's pissed!
Yeah. Women are humans for most of their lives, up until they give birth.
Then they are superhuman. ;P

That wouldn't have been the word I chose :)
I'm sure you are fine! A very close friend had a c-section and they didn't put the small intestine back in properly ... now she has something poking out near her belly button. She's pissed!

I've not had any complaints but I like for those things to remain a "mystery" Lol! I jokingly asked the doc to add a couple stitches *wink wink*

IDK why those docs don't take care when they do those csections. They take no care at all, like the woman does not care what her stomach looks like. I've seen that happen all the time. I guess to keep the tummy tuck doc in business. :)
Proud to be a woman that has gone through completely natural childbirth 4 times. I can't say my pregnancies where easy, but I loved being pregnant. I actually miss the feeling of having a little someone growing inside of me. My labors where quick, which I'm told makes them more painful, the longest being 4 1/2 hours from start to finish.