Women's Health Issues

I've actually been wondering about birth control. I started on my period when I was somewhere between 12-14, and even now it's still not exactly regular. I can tell when it's coming...most of the time...although sometimes it fakes me out and just skips...

It's irritating.

On top of that, I have such bad acne when that time of month rolls around, and that's getting REALLY annoying because nothing seems to work for it...

Although I'm a little worried about what it'll do to my hormones. I have some trouble with that to begin with -- I tend to go through mood swings near my period, and when I'm not on my period I tend to have...well, a strong libido, and it just seems like my hormones are jumping around all over the place. It makes me nervous to think what BC could do to that...
I used to worry about hormones too, because I have a history of depression and didn't want to risk making it worse. That is why I decided on the Nuva Ring because it has a low amount of hormones and is more localized.

I didn't have any hormonal problems while on it.
I break out a lot too when I get my period. What seems to help is using organic soap, drinking lots of water, adequete sleep, and foods that reduce inflammation such as omega-3 and zinc.. may as well have all the other vitamins and minerals as well. Basically, hormonal acne sucks because your body seems hell bent on breaking out.. just fight the good fight by tripping it up with healthy stuff that will reduce the acne.
damnit. I sound like a commercial.

I always heard birthcontrol more likely reduces the libido than anything. BC didn't do anything different for me really, other than prevent babies.
I have always had a problem with birth control not really working as birth control. I think it is just my bad luck. I have decided to get my tubes cut after I have my (lets hope) last child in July. If you have any questions about pregnancy though I have done a lot of research and am currently going through one. I am right now on mostly bed rest which I find very hard to do. It really sucks and I am alone so I have laptop and telly to keep me company.