- infj
- Enneagram
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So I work for a bank, I am one of its managers actually. Most banks are run by 2 managers, one for operational stuff and one for HR and platform. I manage operations. I find myself in a position of authority, which is obvious if you consider that I am directly responsible with millions of dollars of not just money, but resources, both HR and or operational. So I like to be extra authoritative, because if I am liable for this vast machine of moving parts I am going to make sure I am in charge of it.
Now onto the problem I am having here...
We recently hired a new teller. Its my duty to train her, how not only to be a teller and to do transactions correctly and adhere to federal and state regulation but also how to sell product. Its a lot, but in a way I have already done this job when I worked for Verizon and I trained all the new salespeople for my manager. This is almost the same thing and I am sure I can do it. Now this CSR, I think she might have a crush on me, and I will lay out my reasons why and I expect all of you to let me know what you think RE: if that's what it is or if I am over-reading the situation.
Its been about a month now - and shes getting much better the training is really paying off... now mind you, I did not go looking for this. I am a professional and I take that seriously and I know that a work place tryst can be deadly to my career so I am very well behaved around this girl. I don't touch, I don't hit on her, I don't oogle her, I am very respectful of her. I think its driving her nuts... because as we are training these little... instances keep occurring. Like, I always catch her from the corner of my eye staring at me. Then she snapped an elastic band on my arm (not hard) like playfully, kind of like how girls used to do when we were kids and they would pick on us because they liked us. Or if I am walking by, she will kind of bump into me on purpose and then be like "oh sorry" and smile at me, like teasing me. And then there was what I call the arms race of her wardrobe which is getting sexier and sexier... today it was a very tasteful form fitting pantsuit with 5 inch heels and this little jacket, the other day it was a miniskirt (i shit you not). I even had to tell her to adhere to dress code lol... BUT - this arms race in wardrobe started when I complimented her shoes and she said "wow, you finally complimented me." teasingly.
Today too... she kept comparing our hand sizes - I mean this is the kind of stuff I do with girls on dates or if I am getting intimate with them. Then she was obsessing over my age. I am 36, she refused to believe me until I showed her my drivers license to which she literally went onto the computer to subtract 1981 from 2017. Shes 22 by the way.
Again, just throwing it out there, I am not instigating anything at all here I am very professional.
Its a very strange situation. I really dont want to lose my job over some romance... but in all honesty, her and I aside from the age difference (14 years) we have a lot in common as far as our personalities go. Shes a little introverted and shy, she studies statistics in college and shes pretty intelligent. A little inexperienced I think, from a protective family. But I like that.
I dont plan to do anything to be honest, unless she gives me an undeniable signal or comes out with it straight. I think I will arrange a dinner for the entire branch in a few weeks, I do that now and then to buy them dinner and thank them for working so hard. We usually drink together too and we have a good time. Old ex employees usually come and visit as well. But that would give me an excuse to talk more openly with my new teller unless she does something before then. but if it goes the way I think it will, and if she wants to get into something with me I probs will because... well for starters shes fucking stunningly attractive. Like... wow. and shes funny, and she seems genuinely into me kinda sorta. the only thing is that eventually one of us would have to go, and I don't want it to be me lol.
It could be hidden a few months, just enough time to complete all her training and make her semi ok at sales then I could transfer her to a different branch and be confident she wont lose her job for not being proficient.
Well friends, I always get myself into something, use your collecting infjness and figure this one out for me.
So I work for a bank, I am one of its managers actually. Most banks are run by 2 managers, one for operational stuff and one for HR and platform. I manage operations. I find myself in a position of authority, which is obvious if you consider that I am directly responsible with millions of dollars of not just money, but resources, both HR and or operational. So I like to be extra authoritative, because if I am liable for this vast machine of moving parts I am going to make sure I am in charge of it.
Now onto the problem I am having here...
We recently hired a new teller. Its my duty to train her, how not only to be a teller and to do transactions correctly and adhere to federal and state regulation but also how to sell product. Its a lot, but in a way I have already done this job when I worked for Verizon and I trained all the new salespeople for my manager. This is almost the same thing and I am sure I can do it. Now this CSR, I think she might have a crush on me, and I will lay out my reasons why and I expect all of you to let me know what you think RE: if that's what it is or if I am over-reading the situation.
Its been about a month now - and shes getting much better the training is really paying off... now mind you, I did not go looking for this. I am a professional and I take that seriously and I know that a work place tryst can be deadly to my career so I am very well behaved around this girl. I don't touch, I don't hit on her, I don't oogle her, I am very respectful of her. I think its driving her nuts... because as we are training these little... instances keep occurring. Like, I always catch her from the corner of my eye staring at me. Then she snapped an elastic band on my arm (not hard) like playfully, kind of like how girls used to do when we were kids and they would pick on us because they liked us. Or if I am walking by, she will kind of bump into me on purpose and then be like "oh sorry" and smile at me, like teasing me. And then there was what I call the arms race of her wardrobe which is getting sexier and sexier... today it was a very tasteful form fitting pantsuit with 5 inch heels and this little jacket, the other day it was a miniskirt (i shit you not). I even had to tell her to adhere to dress code lol... BUT - this arms race in wardrobe started when I complimented her shoes and she said "wow, you finally complimented me." teasingly.
Today too... she kept comparing our hand sizes - I mean this is the kind of stuff I do with girls on dates or if I am getting intimate with them. Then she was obsessing over my age. I am 36, she refused to believe me until I showed her my drivers license to which she literally went onto the computer to subtract 1981 from 2017. Shes 22 by the way.
Again, just throwing it out there, I am not instigating anything at all here I am very professional.
Its a very strange situation. I really dont want to lose my job over some romance... but in all honesty, her and I aside from the age difference (14 years) we have a lot in common as far as our personalities go. Shes a little introverted and shy, she studies statistics in college and shes pretty intelligent. A little inexperienced I think, from a protective family. But I like that.
I dont plan to do anything to be honest, unless she gives me an undeniable signal or comes out with it straight. I think I will arrange a dinner for the entire branch in a few weeks, I do that now and then to buy them dinner and thank them for working so hard. We usually drink together too and we have a good time. Old ex employees usually come and visit as well. But that would give me an excuse to talk more openly with my new teller unless she does something before then. but if it goes the way I think it will, and if she wants to get into something with me I probs will because... well for starters shes fucking stunningly attractive. Like... wow. and shes funny, and she seems genuinely into me kinda sorta. the only thing is that eventually one of us would have to go, and I don't want it to be me lol.
It could be hidden a few months, just enough time to complete all her training and make her semi ok at sales then I could transfer her to a different branch and be confident she wont lose her job for not being proficient.
Well friends, I always get myself into something, use your collecting infjness and figure this one out for me.