World after Corona virus

Sigh..the end times are just good marketing for televangelists. The end is near, but send them money to help them spread the word. Remember, you'll be taken up in the rapture...but stock up on food, so you can thrive during's all maddness..

I don't follow TV Evangelists or believe in the rapture but thank you for your observation!

Well. I don't condemn you for thinking such though. Since a lot of people do fall prey to these people. I pity them.
On that regard, got a book here on the new Silk Road I still have to read. I wonder how much BTC will have influence on it, it being a possible commodity?
Good decision to invest in crypto!
Heard of Celcius bank??
The Bitcoin Standard

Was looking into bitcoin this past few months and it blew my mind. I am now convinced it’s gonna suck in more and more wealth and become the apex property of mankind.

It is never gonna be a high frequency medium of exchange, and it doesn’t need to be. It is a low frequency store of value, and that’s all we need from it. I don’t need bitcoin to pay for coffee, nor do I want to spend appreciating asset on such a trivial purchase. I have fiat money for that, inflating at at least 10% a year.

Bitcoin is not a currency, it’s a commodity. That’s also how SEC treats it. Bitcoin is harder than gold which is harder then silver. Just like steel is harder than iron which is harden then bronze.

As far as price goes, I am sure one bitcoin will go to $100,000 in a few months, probably cca $400,000 by 2025 and cca $1,000,000 till end of the decade. There will obviously be fluctuations along the way (profit taking etc.) but generally speaking it’s gonna continue to trend up with time at a decreasing pace (due to higher and higher market cap). As far as there is worldwide gdp growth, adoption growth and expansionary monetary policy growth, Bitcoin is gonna go up.

Buying bitcoin is like buying land in Cyber Manhattan. Soon enough, everyone will want to live in it. Only that Bitcoin is more scarce than land or any other commodity.

Bitcoin is first fully decentralized and perfectly engineered monetary system. Gold was used as money for most of the human history due to its technological features, but it has many flaws. Bitcoin, on the other hand, is a faster, smarter, harder technology. Bitcoin is the first thermodynamically correct monetary system – it’s a closed system with no leak, meaning energy cannot leave, it can be only heated up. Bitcoin is a battery that doesn’t drain over time. It also cannot be monopolized by governments, like gold has.

It’s very hard to predict new technology. However, once you reach the growth phase of a new technology, it’s even harder to stop. Think of internet in 1997 or smartphones in 2010. This is where bitcoin is now. It reached over trillion USD in market cap, which is no joke. Market is taking it seriously, and it takes companies that are selling their debts and equity to purchase bitcoin seriously.

As Leonardo da Vinci said: “There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, and those who do not see.”