World Domination - what's the use of it?

No way. I'm a boss lady, dominatrix-type. I have a whip and leather boots and a torture chamber in my basement that's any S&M enthusiast's wet dream. Wanna play?

Shit, really? Next time you ask me to fix the water heater in your basement, I'm going to be running the other direction as fast as I can.
I'll answer simply and with much eloquence.

World domination is just for teh lolz.
The difference is, as a World Leader and on top of the meritocracy, I imagine I would have more resources than the average leader of a country, more resources than the average person. That still would put me in a better position to experience what I want to experience than the rest of the populace, don't you think?
Wouldn't it bother you that it's such a waste? The inability to grasp everything directly.

Imagine someone comes now and gives me a document that I'm the boss of the entire Milky Way. Oh, yeah? So? At most, I could get myself launched to the Moon, with nasty probability of getting killed by some tech accident. What a joke. I can't even comprehend the full richness of one entire mountain here, let alone a country, or the whole surface of the planet; the Solar system, or the galaxy. No matter how much I control them, even if I get to travel across time and space, they would forever remain physically impossible for me to grasp (with my mind and senses). I will only get extremely limited projections, like Google Earth on a screen, or some great cosmic landscapes through a thick glass. And that's all. It will get boring in less than a month. I would prefer to return and explore one mountain in detail, instead.

It seems the only motivation of someone to want so much, is to feel as if they are worth more than other people. But measuring the self by all people is not such a privilege. I feel sometimes as if we're all still in the kindergarten, with some being a little more capricious than reasonable.
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Wouldn't it bother you that it's such a waste? The inability to grasp everything directly.

Why would I have to wait for world dominion to have that bother me? The fact that I'm not able to live my life to the fullest, as a World Leader or as a regular, old me, would be a universal concern regardless of what sort of hat I'm wearing. Does it bother you that you're sitting in front of the computer screen and not climbing Mount Everest? That's a waste isn't it? Especially when it is within your power to go on such an expedition if that were really your goal, after all. But you realize that you would have to sacrifice the other things you find equally important or enjoy doing before you could throw yourself headlong into preparing for such a trip, and so you stick to what coincides with your immediate goals and present resources. And such is life for everyone.

There's no real way to reconcile this dissonance other than to realize that we're human and that all we can do is all we can do.

I know some people go insane when they come into a position of power, but I should hope that my mental state and expectations from myself would remain healthy. :P

Imagine someone comes now and gives me a document that I'm the boss of the entire Milky Way. Oh, yeah? So? At most, I could get myself launched to the Moon, with nasty probability of getting killed by some tech accident. What a joke. I can't even comprehend the full richness of one entire mountain here, let alone a country, or the whole surface of the planet; the Solar system, or the galaxy. No matter how much I control them, even if I get to travel across time and space, they would forever remain physically impossible for me to grasp (with my mind and senses). I will only get extremely limited projections, like Google Earth on a screen, or some great cosmic landscapes through a thick glass. And that's all. It will get boring in less than a month. I would prefer to return and explore one mountain in detail, instead.

It seems the only motivation of someone to want so much, is to feel as if they are worth more than other people. But measuring the self by all people is not such a privilege. I feel sometimes as if we're all still in the kindergarten, with some being a little more capricious than reasonable.

It depends on the individual's perspective and their goals; not everyone values the same things you do, you know. There are those who do not simply want World Dominion for the sake of being worth more or feel like they'll get a free ride, but because they feel can also do a lot of good from the position of supreme authority.

From this angle, it does seem like you're adamant about painting everyone with the same, corrupted brush. This being an imagination exercise, I'm surprised that we're presently discussing world dominion by pigeon-holing it into a terrible, nasty, and immature goal... and pinning our psychoanalysis on a hypothetical subject. Just because you wouldn't find such and such things worthy of your time, or despicable or heartless or even entertaining to your own aesthetics, it doesn't necessarily have to be the way you describe it.

Because really, we can look at it from a selfless position as well. Running the whole world would be a full-time job, and likely to exhaust a lot of the person's resources. But if what they were doing was to be for the greater good.. for the love of maintaining peace among all men. Is that so ignoble a goal?

Now that I think about it, I think the real appeal behind World Dominion is that all the resources are at your finger tips and you get to do whatever you want in the time that you're alloted on this great, green earth. When you want it, however you want it. The whole idea behind such ultimate, earthly power is that it will be put to some sort of use... and it boils down to good or evil, the definitions thereof being perfectly up to perspective.
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Ever wonder if the desire for world domination is simply a fantasy for the ultimate sexual gratification?

Mandatory Orgy Mondays? :P
My main concern is the limits of understanding. You can be selfless, good, very smart person, I have no doubt that many leaders have begun this way. However, after some point you don't have much more information than anyone else has, and the decisions become inevitably irrational, which is usually called strong character.

I expect even most mayors of today's cities are way above their capacity to make rational decisions within a system, or to really help people individually. If they are reasonable thinkers and/or selfless providers, personally, they would have better influence within a group of others, not a crowd, or the masses at large. That's what I call a waste also.
My main concern is the limits of understanding. You can be selfless, good, very smart person, I have no doubt that many leaders have begun this way. However, after some point you don't have much more information than anyone else has, and the decisions become inevitably irrational, which is usually called strong character.

I expect even most mayors of today's cities are way above their capacity to make rational decisions within a system, or to really help people individually. If they are reasonable thinkers and/or selfless providers, personally, they would have better influence within a group of others, not a crowd, or the masses at large. That's what I call a waste also.

True, but that can be said about every, single person. That's the human flaw. You're doing the best you know how to do in your own life; you're working with the information you have to make your experience on this planet the best it can be. You make errors in judgment sometimes, but that's only natural because you have the limits of understanding.

Does that mean we can't make decisions? That we can't let other people make decisions? That we can't appoint leaders? That leaders can't appoint people to micro-manage? We're never going to have a perfect system, regardless of how we organize ourselves. Does that mean that the world has got to stop? That we shouldn't bother?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you're saying that anything that isn't perfect, is a waste. Anytime we don't see things in our blindspots, anytime we don't use all our resources to our advantage (because it is impossible to do so), it is a waste. And yeah, I would agree with you there. The number one human flaw is inefficiency due to our lack of omniscience. And that we'll never be able to fix.

But for what its worth, for all the opportunity costs, the wasted resources, all the natural flaws that come with being a human in a leadership position, there is a lot of good that can come from being able to guide a group of people in a united direction. World peace can be possible under the right guidance. No world hunger, no poverty.

We won't ever, ever be able to make every single person on this planet happy (good luck, if that should be anybody's goal) because I don't think that's ever really the point. I think its the idea behind being able to eliminate the bigger leaks and make as many people as comfortable as possible.

And that's not such a bad thing, I don't think.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you're saying that anything that isn't perfect, is a waste.
Ah, no. I'm not convinced that it's even better, thus wasting some human potential. The potential of a good person, the leader, to be truthfully related to some people in need. The whole idea with super-leading seems somewhat a cognitive illusion, as randomsomeone mentioned before.
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How well a corporation fairs depends on how well it is managed up at the top.
Practically, beyond some threshold of scales, the randomness of the structures probably surpasses the determinism.

edit: ah, sorry. your post is missing now, dunno why.
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I do believe in world domination. Money is our emperor. Nobody said that the object had to be a person. :P

I hope people caught that I was just being a goof.
Carefully Qualify your terms.

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Hmm. Wrong thread. :P But ack! *buries face*
What's the use of World domination?

Clearly, if you can ask such a question, you are unsuitable as a world ruler.
I shall strike you from the list of those under consideration.

But to explain this puzzling question:
Left wingers are keen on world domination, but they don't call it that.
They are basically frightened of anything they can't control, so they dream of controlling everything.
It's more complex than that, of course, but that is the gist of it.
Furthermore, anyone who does not agree with their views is considered very dangerous indeed, and suitably labelled.
They consider themselves very kind and caring, but their behaviour belies this.
I plan to expose the master plan sometime quite soon.

Right wingers are not a lot better, really, but their dreams of control cover only over practical areas of real estate. Not the entire planet.

Keep to the center.
Dream not of owning it all, or even very much of it.
The only thing you really need to own, is your own conscience.
Be vigilant to ensure that you do.
I agree, I'm not suitable for world ruler. At least I realize that. (:
Has history ever met anyone suitable for world ruler? Really, even, suitable for a leader of more than a couple of hundred people?'s_number
^ these reasons seem very logical to me.

Sure, we've had many delusional people, and delusional crowds, and delusional social systems, that expect to find some delusional people to govern delusional crowds, but that rarely gave good results, in the end, it seems.

stan says: ppl, get real
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Achieving world domination wouldn't be a boring activity would it?

It would at least give me something to strive for everyday. :w:

*I guess I am now to be stricken from the list under careful consideration as well...* :(