Worst things you've done in the inferior function

I could be callous and steamroll over other people's feelings to make a point or get something done. I can be a grammar Nazi. I've had long obnoxious arguments with people over the definition of certain words when they used the word incorrectly. I can become obsessed with pragmatism and accuracy.
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I could be callous and steamroll over other people's feelings to make a point or get something done. I can be a grammar Nazi. I've had long obnoxious arguments with people over the definition of certain words when they used the word incorrectly. I can become obsessed with pragmatism and accuracy.

My natural inferior Fe hurts people in the form of not being aware of things which people interpret as rude or hurtful when that's not my intention.

That's interesting - I should have 'demon Fe' if Beebe isn't an absolute muppet, so I'm wondering about the differences between that and inferior.
Here's a good one, but not the "worst" I can think of, but pretty bad on both the embarrassing and "hardcore" aspect of inferior Se:

So when I was 14, my parents urged me to "man up" and join the school football team. They wanted me to play football(but I didn't want to). I was in pretty good physical condition at the time, and I liked watching football, but never desired to play it. Well, I played for 1 year. I was horrible. I hadn't played much football outside of your casual friends get together for fun. Well, the coach hated me. He would yell and cuss at me, and that would piss me off a lot, but I couldn't say much. I didn't want to be there in the first place, but nothing I did was bad enough to kick me off the team or good enough to make me more than a usual "benchwarmer".

Well one night, we were doing a drill where the team was split into opposite lines. The front-runner on one side catches the ball, and the player on the other side tackles him before he gets to the other side. Well, it just so happened that the coach's son was on the team and was on the side to catch the ball, and I was on the side to tackle. Now, mind you, throughout the season, the coach would constantly hit my helmet yelling in my ear screaming, "You NEED to hit HARDER! What the HELL is wrong with you!" And that night during drill, he kept saying it, because I was so tuned-out of it all. So I shrugged and thought, "Ok...I guess I'll just hit harder then, asshole. Let's see what happens!". So the coaches son catches the ball, and I tackle him as hard and as fast as I could. Ended up crushing one of his ribs, on accident. The coach screamed even louder at me: "What the fuck!" "Well, coach you did tell me to hit harder..." "Get the fuck out of my face or else I'll punch you in the face..." Now mind you, I was pretty strong, but I was still just a kid, and this is a 40-something big man yelling at me, threatening to punch me in the face. Well his son was alright in the end, but the coach did tone down the yelling at me (and never asked me to hit harder again). After that year, I went into band and was a lot happier in public school.
And this is why INFJs are walking Delphic oracles, lol.
Using my words to hurt.
Why does this get to me? I think its because it signifies that if you did that, it would indicate that you are hurting. That bothers me, cause I'm very fond of you.

This is probably why you didn't want to share with Fe users. We use it to examine the underneath and read into it. And you don't like to be known. So, I'll shut up now. But... :(

If you hurt me, I will just empathize and care more . That was true before I saw you make that statement anyway. :p

Go ahead, make fun of me now. :p
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