On Holiday
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don't ever do that again
I can't help myself anymore, I have to rant.I doubt the OP is going to pop up later to say "I TRICKED YOU!!! IF THE PUPPY REMAINS ALIVE THEN HITLER WILL BE RESURRECTED AND INITIATE GLOBAL PUPPY GENOCIDE!!!"
heh, the answers are kinda interesting thoughno, don't carry on. puppy death thread must stop.
I killed more mature dogs (i.e., not puppies) for research purposes ~35 years ago. We were studying cardiac action potentials. This was before all the animal protection rules now in place. It didn't bother me at all. I was too excited and interested about what we would find out with our microelectrodes and oscilloscopes. Maybe it's because I'm a strong INTP but we believed we were doing important work. I still believe it. Am I a bad person?
So do I. It's only great when you're on the lucky side =PI also find the use of Utilitarian ethics appalling.
So do I. It's only great when you're on the lucky side =P