Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

Without a doubt

I would NOT kill a puppy.

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I also ate chicken yesterday.
Chicken Tandoori. It was delicious. I'm a monster.
I fully acknowledge the hypocrisy of my lifestyle.

Yes, but hypocrisy makes for a delicious meal, my friend.
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I'm a former paperboy so I do think the world should be rid of dogs. I think they make no sense, and slobber, and bite. Every year a million little kids world wide face facial surgery mostly thanks to their stupid parents. I could kill all the dogs in the world for free. But I can't do anything for money. It would be against my principles.

Corrected. ;)

Still no. Killing the foolish human being, and running away with the money? Yes.
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Kill a puppy... ? :m033:

Maybe if it were this puppy...
This question is asked in every forum, might as well put it in this one too.

A cute adorable and nice little puppy.

You could kill it and get $1000000.

You could only use that money for yourself (or friends and stuff). What I mean is that you can't kill the puppy and give all the money to a foundation to save puppies or something. You could only buy yourself a iPod and go with your friends in a trip, ect.

Would you? And do you think it's right to do?
no i wouldn't and no i don't.
money makes people stoopid.
It may seem a bit odd, but I would kill it as long as it was used for a purpose. For example I hear tell that dog meat is good and their fur can be tanned and used for an array of things. So yeah, food, fur AND $1,000,000 I'm game.
No one in their right mind would ever slaughter an innocent kitty cat in cold blood. Sure, tons of live animals are slaughtered everyday for the purpose of feeding ourselves but not a kitty. A kitty.... come on... a KITTY.
Aside from the intent of harming a small defenceless animal...

The thought of harming someone else for your own personal gain just sickens me.