WoW, man.

I didn't like the changes how people took the game so freakin' serious when it came to those raids and bosses in end game stuff.

Yeah, that's about where I am at this point, having hit 80 with my main. I am sick of PUGs for dungeons - I work with children all day long, it seems, and I don't want to get yelled at by them when I get home too. At the same time, I don't want to spend the next 3 months farming 25-mans (and the associated drama) for gear that I'll toss in the first hour of Cataclysm.

(ponders looking for a casual guild again)
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I played a lot of MUD. It's a multiplayer on-line RPG too, but text based. More of an 80's thing I think. The one I played was PVP intensive and somewhat competitive. This whole multiplayer RPG thing is great concept that evolved into a graphics-intensive game with massive amounts of players.

I think its great fun, but I have an obsessive personality, so such games tend to derail me hard from my objectives.

I liked the teaming aspect of the game. All good clan players were good at teamwork. And our leader was a funny and enthusiastic Russian. I think he was ENTP. He knew what he was doing, leadership and people handling wise.
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My brother gave me the two-week trial and I played for a bit. Maybe it's because my laptop at the time sucked, maybe it's because my connection was a shitty DSL line, or maybe it's because I was constantly harassed for gold (I had just fucking started), but I thought the game sucked. I put in maybe five hours before rationality took hold and I deleted the game.

I've tried other MMO's, but I can't seem to get into any of them. The closest thing I've gotten to playing an online game was Freelancer with one of my friends. He had more free time than I did, so he got pretty into it, and at that point I had been left behind and didn't really care about the game anymore.

I think I just enjoy real life too much.
Maybe I should play WoW. Might help with the depression. What ya think?
I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not.

If your question was serious, I'd think it would exacerbate your depression rather than stifle it. When I get depressed, it's usually because I'm lonely, which means I want to hang out with people in real life.

Being on the internet does fuck-all for my depression.
I just started playing WoW today. The last 6 hours just flew by...
I dreamed WoW all last night. I'm not kidding. Literally dreamed.
Oh I'm at the end of day two. I'm sort of experienced with these online RPG games. My mind has already sort of mapped out what the game boils down to. The novelty is ALREADY wearing :) I'll still enjoy the the leveling grind though. And I'll enjoy running raids with a clan too, eventually when it comes to that. I don't think I'm going to take a very aggressive attitude towards the game. Just one leisurely raid after the next.
thats the way we do it in the guild i'm in...

... a lot of my guild are still active military so we know what being busy is like... and then there is the occassional member that deploys here and there...
About 2 weeks in now... lvl 49 undead affliction warlock. I'm only on affliction for leveling purposes. I'll probably dual spec destruction/demonology when I decide to start PvP. I trained engineering/mining :D:D I think rocket boots and rocket helmet will be good!

I haven't really PvP'd at all. I think my character control skills are kinda weak. I should practice in battlegrounds some... but yeah, leveling seems pretty easy.... travel to appropriate area for your level, slam out the 20 or so quests in that area, find a new area... repeat... repeat... Cash seems pretty easy too with mining...

I play on Bloodscalp. It's PvP. I don't understand why anyone would play PvE. PvP server is really soft. Dying is inconsequential, and hardly anyone's ever out pkilling anyways. I've been ganked only twice.
Played for 3 weeks, hated it.
Moved on to games that have real PVP and a functioning economy.

he's talking about runescape
I haven't really PvP'd at all. I think my character control skills are kinda weak. I should practice in battlegrounds some...

My experience with 1-on-1 PvP generally entailed people running through/behind me a lot and other such line-of-sight tricks. Seemed to be more gimmicky than anything else. BGs are a bit more tolerable and team-play oriented.

Now intercepting an incoming raid on a capital city - that's fun. :)
About 2 weeks in now... lvl 49 undead affliction warlock. I'm only on affliction for leveling purposes. I'll probably dual spec destruction/demonology when I decide to start PvP. I trained engineering/mining :D:D I think rocket boots and rocket helmet will be good!

I haven't really PvP'd at all. I think my character control skills are kinda weak. I should practice in battlegrounds some... but yeah, leveling seems pretty easy.... travel to appropriate area for your level, slam out the 20 or so quests in that area, find a new area... repeat... repeat... Cash seems pretty easy too with mining...

I play on Bloodscalp. It's PvP. I don't understand why anyone would play PvE. PvP server is really soft. Dying is inconsequential, and hardly anyone's ever out pkilling anyways. I've been ganked only twice.

The DoTs in affliction suck in battlegrounds because things happen so fast and the potential damage often gets wasted.
49 after 2 weeks? Ain't that pretty badass? :p
Could probably do it in 1 week if I did it again. I have a level 17 warrior too, and I took some time learning the basics of the game. Like at first I didn't pay much attention to quests, and I didn't visit Eastern Kingdoms or use glyphs until 1 week in. I think affliction warlocks just level fast. I can take on 2 mobs my own level at a non-stop rate because of health and mana recoveries on my drains, and voidswalker pretty much takes all damage.
Dual spec'd 57 warlock. 190 spellpower!! Super leveling gear. Almost all blues, including trinkets! Even my wand is +20 spellpower!! I just 3x DoT (2 are insta-cast) and it's enough to kill a mob my level. So I can just plow through DoTing one mob after the other continuously, and by the time I start the 4th, the 1st is already dead! Voidswalker sacrifice gives me a 1500hp shield for 30 sec, cooldown time 1 minute, and I got talent special that gives me healing from DoT spell. Talent special + lifetap + improved drain mana regen means I can literally go continuous! Unfortunately mobs don't line up all that perfectly... so I do have to mount up briefly after every 3-5 mobs. And stop to loot...

I got a few pieces of +stamina to swap off for PvP too. I might hafta buy Burning Crusade soon!
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