You and God

As well as his exquisite mystical love verses, Rumi has a most wonderful, earthy way of expressing spiritual truth too.

This poem!! It's just as relevant to Christian as well as Muslim communities.

As well as his exquisite mystical love verses, Rumi has a most wonderful, earthy way of expressing spiritual truth too.

This poem!! It's just as relevant to Christian as well as Muslim communities.

My donkey's farts prove the sensitivity of my state

Truly delightful
if "God", as the all powerful creator being, gets credit for everything, would that be the greatest and longest continuing selfish dick move ever?
I've thought about this before. I thought it was a bit presumptuous to claim that we would be within our realm to understand such move "if" god were truly almighty. Although there are passages in this world that refer to God being lonely and therefore making us in the image of God, we could somewhat interpret that as: "humans, being lonely, also created the notion of God." It's just like that classic Spiderverse meme. Interestingly, it's so open to interpretation that even the "likeness" bit could be arguable: was this meant physically, or in thought, or just in the ability to love or be angry?

Rather than "credit" per se, I think it's more a state of helpless being. I've always likened everything about the world to horcruxes of God. In as much as Voldemort divided himself into bits in the quest for power and immortality, I imagine the same for God. When we look at it this way, "that it was a total ego move" becomes completely imaginable. It's interesting how the mixed emotions of loneliness, power grabbing, lust etc immediately predominates the pretext, yes? But also, doesn't it equivocally work that if one wanted to love and care forever, one would naturally want immortality? Although that too is a super ballsy ego move. There doesn't seem to be any humility about it. I think many philosophers see God exactly as that.

Where I sit though is that we don't really know what God is and I accept that. We don't really know if God is one being isolated from us and sits up there in a throne of power, although yeah, the Catholics say so. But because there's no way of truly knowing, I can't categorically accept it. I keep these lines open for I can't know for sure.

What I do know is that I felt the loving grace. Such emotions could be felt even if God were not sitting up a throne. Sometimes I imagine God as the very energy that threads all beings together. There are multiple energies within us and throughout us and I don't mean this energy in that aural, gypsy sense, but in that biological arrangement of the sun forcing the plants into photosynthesis, which we eat, which we then metabolize, etc. I imagine that if God is all that energy persistent, there must be a bit about its unimaginably complex network system that allows love to thrive such that we experience it as this overwhelming grace. In that complex network, somehow certain energies manage to beat wildly enough at specific points to warm and grace some of us with a profoundly loving presence which we experience as God, or as a lover, or a friend, etc. In my imagination, it is simply life. But still, in all that, I think God exists and that prayers are some sort of appeals to these energy networks. It's a signal-sending construct to the rest of the universe when we sit down to breathe calmly and arrange our thoughts...

I could go on, but

Also do you see where I'm putting the quotation marks here as well as the capitalization of the first letter? It's kinda cool as a contrast between perceptions. Haha.
There are multiple energies within us and throughout us and I don't mean this energy in that aural, gypsy sense, but in
Wah! I didn't know the woman in @johnK's video was named Gypsy! I haven't clicked it yet before writing the response. I don't mean her. Ooops.
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My take on it is that it's an attack on people who pretend to deep spiritual experience and either use it to build their reputation and influence for their own purposes, or end up deluding themselves and tying themselves up in knots and harming themselves with nonsense. There are intriguing parallels to this in Chrs 45/6 of The Cloud of Unknowing - not expressed in quite such an earthy way, but with as much force.
My take on it is that it's an attack on people who pretend to deep spiritual experience and either use it to build their reputation and influence for their own purposes, or end up deluding themselves and tying themselves up in knots and harming themselves with nonsense. There are intriguing parallels to this in Chrs 45/6 of The Cloud of Unknowing - not expressed in quite such an earthy way, but with as much force.
Oh my god I finally finished watching the video. What was that????