Approval-seeking is an interesting notion and a very important one for INFJ's, I believe. In organizations/groups, I have had a tendency to comply and go with the flow while I am often a very different person in private or with safe friends (usually one on one). Rather than complying, I've learned to be less active and just be my sensitive shy self and not worry about pleasing anyone or gaining their approval.
It's also the reason why I have to choose my friends carefully. Some friends will rip me to shreds emotionally, so I have decided to stay away from my INTP friend, for example, who can be very insulting (publicly or privately) even though he can be very easygoing and soft. Understanding the need for extensive warmth and approval means I can beware of friends who may place a high value on duty and creating a family atmosphere (STJ's) but don't place a high value on how they may be hurting someone's feelings; or those who may place a high value on becoming useful, efficient, proficient, and logical (NT's) but, again, not particularly careful about social graces.
More than anything else, it really helps me see and value who I am and actually love myself... which I don't hear much about on this forum.