You haven't lived until you've tried . . .

LOL. Yeah, sometimes movies are a hit or miss. That one. Yikes! Sorry to hear you had such a bad trip :/

The other thing you should avoid: looking in the mirror. People are always tempted to do this for some reason. But I'm warning you. Never, ever, ever do that. That is just... holymothercrunkingshit.

Most of the night was awesome, so I am still happy when I look back on it :D but watching that movie at like 2am and then spewing for hours after that wasn't so great. :P

Ohhh I looked in the mirror! Haha I just kept thinking, "wow I look different to normal. I'm beautiful." So random?
Most of the night was awesome, so I am still happy when I look back on it :D but watching that movie at like 2am and then spewing for hours after that wasn't so great. :P

Ohhh I looked in the mirror! Haha I just kept thinking, "wow I look different to normal. I'm beautiful." So random?

Positive experiences are positive. And you better believe it wasn't random, it was truth, girl! :)

I guess I let my philosophizing and over-analysis get to me; I was confounded by the notion that what I was seeing was nothing but a physical vessel that was one day going to rot and.... well, it was a very morbid and terrifying and altogether humbling journey. LOL
I guess that's the difference between a casual glance and being confronted by the notion that what you're seeing is nothing but a physical vessel that is one day going to rot and.... well, let's not get morbid here. lol.

Oh wow, that thought sounds trippy as! I just have weird dreams like that.. the other night I dreamed that I pulled off my thumb nail, and behind it was a rotting hole full of maggots and putrid flesh.. it was absolutely vivid and disgusting.
Diving into a culture that is very different from your own.
given your heart totally and completely to someone else. .with full abandon, surrendering to the power or love.
given your heart totally and completely to someone else. .with full abandon, surrendering to the power or love.

*claps unendingly* [MENTION=4196]Spailpin[/MENTION]
  • sex on acid
  • accepting yourself
  • loving another
  • cherry limeade
  • standing naked in a forest in wintertime, lit only by moon and starlight, and experienced the silence in your soul
  • the open-faced turkey sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy at Emma Krumbee
doing nothing hehe
running around with your friends in the dark at night in an unfamiliar and exhilarating place

dating a foreigner who doesnt speak your language
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