Well, looking through this, it doesn't seem like I'm an INFJ, but this is who I am anyway:
- When you think "deep" discussions and outward emotions more often than not seem pretentious or annoying. You can tell when it's genuine but this only seems to be 0.5 per cent of the time. All other times people just want you to know how "deep" they are.
Confirm. Well, in my case it seems more like 10-20% is genuine. Maybe it's just a different environment.
- When the idea of justice only works when it will actually change something. Justice is making sure that the efforts a self-serving person makes to get ahead by belittling others do not work. You do this by pinpointing their achilles heel and saying something apparently naive and innocent (to any bystanders) that brings them to their knees. You do this because it is not right that people with bad intentions should win out. Justice is ensuring that bad behaviour does not have a reward. It is not actually about punishment, because that doesn't ever change anything. Thus tracking down and killing one individual over a world event = completely ridiculous and aimed only at the citizens of the country that wants this kind of "justice" rather than doing any good at all. Same goes for capital punishment. "I'm angry about this bad thing what happened so I want the perpetuator to die". How does this change anything?
Confirm++++++ This one is
so hard to get across. I posted a bit about it in my 'Type me' thread on INTJf and it ended up starting an argument! (which I predicted

but yeah)
- When someone tells you a story of a person you've never met and you say "they did it because..." and everybody else says "oh yeah".
Hehehe :3 doesn't happen often because I don't socialize outside my usual circles much, and also my circles highly favour intuitives who would have figured things out themselves, but yeah.
- When you know who to stay away from and can sit quietly in the background until everybody else realises what they really are and they are pushed out of the group.
Sometimes. I have a soft spot for psychopaths and unstable drama bombs for some reason, though. I should probably stop trying to connect with them; that only makes them want to hang around longer once they've been unceremoniously expelled.
- When you know exactly who you can tell about your suspicions safely.
Confirm, although this seems more like common sense.
- When you get angry at people for doing wrong a split second before you realise that they did not mean to and change your perspective accordingly.
It takes a little longer than a split second for me, but I blame ADD

I've lost count of the number of the times I've said to my siblings something like, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU D-..um...sorry, I'm overreacting. Would you please stop that?"
- When you do not extend the same sympathies to everyone. Everyone is equal but those with bad intentions do not deserve my respect as much as those with good intentions.
I think it's more about 'attitude' than 'intention' tbh. But that's just a detail I guess.
- When you get annoyed at people who say they don't like it when their favourite bands get popular because it "ruins it". If you want to special be a serial killer. We'll all know how unique you are then.
Hipsterism and anti-hipsterism are unrelated to mbti type I think.
- When you get annoyed at people who do things "to go against popular culture" out of a ridiculous need to go against popular culture (and thus stand out and be special) rather than happening to go against culture because you believe something else. I.e. - being different for different's sake rather than just having an idea and going with it regardless of whether it is popular culture or otherwise (please stop trying to be special it annoys me so much!)
It can be both, really. It's not hard to find equal arguments for any 'alternative' philosophy. Going against popular culture is reactionary by nature...
I mean, yeah, I agree that it's annoying to do it just to do it, but it's not always that simple. Mostly it's just annoying when people play devil's advocate without having any idea about EITHER side of the argument.
- When other people's irresponsibility and naivety grates on you. Yes I know the job advert said "no experience required" but no that does not mean that it is unfair when they ask you if you have experience - what planet are you living on? Also - no, you do not quit a job because it's "boring". Not unless you have another job to go to. You get on with it and do it yourself because that's life. You are entitled to nothing except basic human rights. I don't care if you've done three years of university, you are no more entitled to a well-paying job than anyone else is. If you can't find a job in the media then for God's sake be a waitress in the mean time and stop moaning!
lol, perhaps a bit too specific this time
Oof - this was essentially just loads of resentment!
However, who ever said about complicating matters or seeing every little thing as overly important - guilty as charged. I over think everything.
I also agreed with the person that said they sometimes feel bad because they don't feel guilty enough - this is my experience of just about everything. I believe I should be punished for my wrongdoings. If others refuse to punish me I will punish myself because I can't cope with the guilt otherwise.
Oh God I have more!
- When you get really overly excited about abstract theories like poststructuralism and try to explain to others how this particular theory is absolutely amazing because of some even empirical evidence that reality is subjective and others don't see why it's important - oh come on! Reality is subjective and there's real hard evidence! How is this not the best thing ever?!

Yes! And it's SO disappointing when they give less of a crap than the dog, who is at least thrilled that you are paying attention to him
- When you spend way too much time thinking and not enough time doing but then get really angry at yourself because you have given yourself deadlines and you're not going to meet them at this rate (then stay up until 2am to ensure you meet your completely arbitrary deadlines!)
um, deadlines? what are those? >.>
I was actually like this for a little while but it just didn't work because of ADD. I do get like this on meds, though, but it's partly because the meds have a limited duration so I'm like "must finish before it wears off!"
- When you want to know literally everything and ask questions constantly.
Hm, I just do this to be polite n.n' non-scientific knowledge, I generally find boring, like what ridiculously unrealistic feat your GM let your D&D character do in the last session or whether or not lady gaga has a penis. On the other hand, I suspect you'll agree with this ;p
When I say I want to 'learn everything', I have a very specific idea of what 'everything' entails, which I'll admit doesn't include, for example, the technical details of a particular model of air conditioner.
- When you don't think asking questions is a sign of stupidity but know most other people do and then do it anyway because you couldn't give a flying f**k if other people think you're stupid - knowing the answer to the question is more important.
I would like to share a vignette.
Me (meeting up with some friends after they went to see a movie together): "So what's snakes on a plane actually about, anyway?"
Entire group in unison: "...SNAKES ON A PLANE."
Me: "Well obviously but I mean like, the plot..."
Random guy: "Samuel L. Jackson is on a plane. And there are snakes on it. That's it. That's the whole plot."
Me: *rolls eyes*
Every few weeks since then:
One of them: *stupid grin* "Hey Claire, what's Snakes on a plane about???"
- When it doesn't matter whether everybody else thinks you're weird, just so long as they know you're not unkind and that you're very polite.
- When people try to offend you by calling you timid and you don't understand how that's supposed to be offensive anyway.
My family (mis)uses 'antisocial'

Which actually is offensive, since ASPD is psychopathy which couldn't be farther from the truth.
- When people say "why are you doing that? They wouldn't do it for you" and you wonder whether they know what "principle" means.
Sometimes I listen, though. I don't always have a lot to offer, and I don't want to waste it on someone who won't appreciate it.
- When you see the world and art and films and music in layers and can't focus on a linear argument, going off on tangent after tangent after tangent after...
Yeah - 'tangents' tends to be an Ne buzzword, so I should clarify that it's different from Ne tangents in that we're following a disagreement or question to its source rather than just going along to see where we end up. Although I don't mind following Ne-doms on their intellectual adventures
- When you "just know" someone's argument doesn't make sense but you can't put your finger on why and you have to let it simmer for a while before you can build your own argument.
Ugh! Yes. I'm often jealous of stronger Tis who cut right to through an argument effortlessly. I've gotten pretty good at it but I still have to be careful not to miss things.
- When it's tiresome to hear people say "this is irrefutable" because nothing is irrefutable.
My personal favourite - "SCIENTIFIC FACT". Hahaha. ;.;
- When it's annoying for people to see what's on the surface of issues and get completely the wrong idea by not seeing that it is so, so, so, so much more complicated than they think it is. (i.e. Shut up feminists, women do not shave their armpits for men. Think it through then speak.)
Yeah. I'll admit I do get caught up in the surface tension sometimes, but I'm always ashamed of it when it comes to my attention.