Sorry to have derailed the topic. Perhaps Indigo should split this... I do not understand the eye for an eye reasoning. You NEVER have to kill someone... EVER! Make another choice. Otherwise, suffer the consequences.
I would kill someone in self defense or possible vengeance of an immediate family member. It would depend on how near that offender was.
If I was to see someone kill someone in my family or attempt to and they were standing there over my family members body I would most likely pick up the nearest object and bludgeon that person until I could no longer pick my arms up. I don't think temporary insanity is too much of a stretch in a case like that.
You wouldn't check on your family member first to see if they were still alive and hurting?
I would once the threat was no longer imminent.
I can relate to the idea of wanting justice. For me that defines me as an INFJ. Someone started a thread on being a Crusader and I am one for Justice.
But to me - I think I'd check on them (if able) first - you know - to see if there was some hope they were alive.
People always comment on how kind you are, and you feel like a total fraud.
And you have to practice accepting praise without being self-deprecating or changing the subject. come to the right conclusions all the time but aren't quite sure how you got there. (and people tend to dismiss the way you got there too!) come to the right conclusions all the time but aren't quite sure how you got there. (and people tend to dismiss the way you got there too!)