You Know You're An INFJ When....

When you walk into a store on three seperate occassions to buy a watch; yet, get in the house and after setting the bags of stuff you bought on the counter, look at your wrist to check the time and say fuk, I forgot to buy the watch again. :flushed:
When you take for granted that people would be innately interested in learning about the world around them, and think that the little nuances of how life works is fascinating, but most people don't get it because they don't see a practical every-day application to what they are learning.

Yes, exactly! I often find the minutiae of everyday life more revealing than the big events.

And if I'm travelling and want to really learn about a culture, the major attractions won't do it for me. Take me to a grocery store.
I hate that.
I wouldn't ask that question if i was not willing to listen what they have to say.
So neither should they ask me that if they are not willing to listen.

It is as simple as that.

I absolutely agree. I've encountered people who ask "How are you?" and don't even wait for a response! They're already talking over top of me, going on about whatever was on their mind. And when they realize that I was actually in the process of answering the question, they act surprised.
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I've walked into telephone poles while checking my reflection in the door windows of parked cars.

I'd possibly do that checking out how much plastic surgery I need to be pretty. I'd then ponder the existence of a god punishing me for being vain and ungrateful by smashing the face I was born with into said telephone pole. What does it all mean? Does it mean anything?

I walked into a telephone pole while talking to my ex the first time I saw him after we broke up. I hope he was proud that he had that effect on me.
(Obviously, this was a long time ago.)
hahaha I hope you didn't get hurt!


I've walked into telephone poles while checking my reflection in the door windows of parked cars.

#vanity #instantkarma #idon'tevenhavetwitter
Whenever I see my reflection I faint from the beauty before me...

I'd possibly do that checking out how much plastic surgery I need to be pretty. I'd then ponder the existence of a god punishing me for being vain and ungrateful by smashing the face I was born with into said telephone pole. What does it all mean? Does it mean anything?
Lol wow that's intense, Asa!
I'd possibly do that checking out how much plastic surgery I need to be pretty. I'd then ponder the existence of a god punishing me for being vain and ungrateful by smashing the face I was born with into said telephone pole. What does it all mean? Does it mean anything?

I've done this myself. I keep telling myself that I don't want a major overhaul, just a nip here and a tuck there so I can look like the person I picture myself to be in my head. Because other people can have flaws and still be acceptable, but in my own mind if I don't look just the way I want then I'm ugly.

Because underneath this deep, intellectual exterior there's a shallow diva screaming to get out.
I walked into a telephone pole while talking to my ex the first time I saw him after we broke up. I hope he was proud that he had that effect on me.
(Obviously, this was a long time ago.)


My friends still pick on me because I rode my bike right into a pole that was clearly visible(I swear I never saw it coming!). I also walked right through a screen door at a wake.....not embarrassing at all.