[INFJ] You know you're an INFJ when...

When you wear your workout shoes on the wrong feet, and you don't realize it until after your workout because you were so lost in your mind when you put them on.
You stare at other people in silence when they are expecting you to speak, but they didn't ask you a question. They said statement statement blah blah statement statement blah blah and then kind of indicated with their eyebrows that it was your turn to speak.
when you know that you won't "click" with that person after 5 minutes of talking to them.
when you kept understanding the person you value no matter what..but door slam when you are done with their shit. teeheehee
When you wear your workout shoes on the wrong feet, and you don't realize it until after your workout because you were so lost in your mind when you put them on.
When you go out wearing two shoes from different pairs but don't realise till you get to work.
When your hurt for feeling misunderstood, don't want to hang out with offending people, but are still hurt that they don't bother to call.
...and you know your being silly and 'sensitive' but can't help it.
and then hopefully one day you just completely move on and forget anything 'wrong' ever happened.
You know when you're an INFJ when you're able to accurately predict how a situation is going to turn out and then watch it all being played out in slow motion....
and sometimes that much of life as you observe it seems like it's in slow motion