how does a personality effect the forumulation of specific genetic DNA that causes a specific look?
Look goes way beyond DNA. Just go through the photos of specific types on this site: . Even counting the typing mistakes people make, there still are patterns forming. I also know more than 1 person from each MBTI type (i mean, knowing them personally), and they do have similarities, extended to lists of famous people of that type, or such websites. Just increase the pool of data.
What you are saying is: my data doesn't form patterns, hence your data must be wrong. Well, I can't transfer my human database to everyone, unfortunately, which doesn't automatically invalidate my insight.
I've been interested in gathering a large sample of head photos for each type, and then use computation to construct the medium face for each one. And see if those averages are truly distinct.
Summary: people with the same DNA could have different MBTI types, but look differently as a result.
Call it one big role-playing if you wish. Like the
Vinegar Tasters.
And no, I don't think you could completely mimic it. You could to some extent, but there will be details that tell. Because we are talking about years, decades, of controlling your muscles in specific ways. This causes you wrinkles, forms your body in some ways, which cannot be overcome in a short period of time (also too much of the process is most likely subconscious, that is, you are not really controlling it, and if you try to, you won't get the same results).