Your all time favourite movie(s)

Fight Club
The Lion King
Gone in 60 Seconds (I have a bit of a car thing)
1. Bent
2. The Shawshank redemption
3. Beyond rangoon
4. Anything with zombies
  1. the usual suspects
  2. Hunt for the red october
  3. Beverly hills cop
  4. Bererly hills cop 2
  5. Most of the bond films*
*i can't remember which bond films i like, i've got the box set at home, might watch them at the weekend to find out
Many list The Matrix as their top 5, good :p

The Matrix is my all time favoutite movie, there's just something about it...
The sequals sucked though, should have made only 1 movie
In no particular order:

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
The Dead Poets Society
The Thomas Crown Affair (Remake version)
A Beautiful Mind
Batman Begins
Mine's probably... Sympathy for Lady Vengance or My neighbour Totoro xD
1. Fight Club -- The book is better, but Brad Pitt and Ed Norton are the same man... that's like my fantasy
2. Pulp Fiction -- "I'm tryin' Ringo, I'm tryin' real hard, to be the shepard."
3. The Last Time I Committed Suicide -- this is not what it sounds like...
4. Inglorious Bastards -- yeah it's new, but I seriously wanted to cheer at the screen, but no one else was, so I didn't (how INFJ of me, hehe)
5. The Matrix or The Empire Strikes Back

that movie is sick! :)

Forgot about pi, fn loved pi! Shit, this f's up my five... thanks a lot! This was already hard... lol :)

so that's like seven, sorry!
that movie is sick! :)

If you want to see a sick movie try watching " Spottraining". You either get two reaction: " I loved it but it was sick" or " I hate and it was're such a pervert".
Wow, I'm almost surprised to see some of my favorite movies listed here.

1- The Fountain
2- Into the Wild
3- The Godfather 1 & 2
4- A Beautiful Mind
5- Dead Poets Society
6- The Matrix
7- Fight Club
8- Phantom of the Opera: The Movie (shush :P)
9- Crossroads(1986)
10- Sunshine

sorry I had to list 10... I love so many films.
The Royal Tenenbaums
Dead Poets Society
Wilbur (wants to kill himself) <-- twisted and hilarious
Fearless (by Peter Weir)
The Fountain
Revolutionary Road
The Phantom of The Opera
Last edited:
The Royal Tenenbaums
Dead Poets Society
Wilbur (wants to kill himself) <-- twisted and hilarious
Fearless (by Peter Weir)
The Fountain
Revolutionary Road
The Phantom of The Opera

Ah! Nice list! I don't think anyone else listed The Fountain and Phantom of the Opera :thumb: