Your archetype?

Magicians create new realities, transform old ones, serve as catalysts for change, and "name" and thereby create reality. At worst, their efforts can be "evil sorcery." At best, they discover empowering, win/win solutions.

The Seeker explores internal and external realities and is willing to give up security, community, and intimacy for autonomy. Seekers find out who they are by differentiaiting themselves from others. At worst, they are just outsiders. At best, they find their unique identities and vocations.

The Orphan has the same wish as the innocent--to live in a safe world--but the Orphan feels betrayed and abandoned. At the lowest level, the Orphan is a confirmed victim and cynic. At a higher level, the Orphan reminds us of his or her vulnerability and interdependence.

very accurate

I'm very glad someone got the same thing. I'm not the only sad one! :P
The Seeker explores internal and external realities and is willing to give up security, community, and intimacy for autonomy. Seekers find out who they are by differentiaiting themselves from others. At worst, they are just outsiders. At best, they find their unique identities and vocations.
