"Can God create something so heavy even he can't lift it?"
My response to that is another paradox:
"The child is father of the man." -
William Wordsworth
Which is my intro to another paradox: the Catholic Trinity. One divine being in three persons - each one with free will, with intentionality. In a sense, God is capable of going beyond himself -a personal being in a constant, dynamic ecstasy of being, because divine being is essentially the relationality of three basic intentionalities disposed to self-giving love. Yet they are all one, because they unite their wills according to love, which defines and perpetuates their relationality, in an infinite cycle of self-giving. All of them, in a sense, as they give themselves, die to themselves, and yet live on in the other, giving the same self to the other in an endless cycle of self-giving, life-giving, self-perpetuating love. Intentionality, free personal will, is the key to solving the riddle, for it is inherent to the divine nature, because Being is inherently self-giving - self-manifesting, lending being (itself) to all other existents. Free will is like the key that starts the engine, and keeps it running. And Love, which is their name, is the third person, the Holy Spirit - the love between Parent (Father) and Child (Son). And all persons are essential to the nature of the divine (which is Love) for without another person, who shall the first person give itself to? Also, if it is relationality which primarily defines divinity, we encounter another paradox - without the child, there is no parent. The only thing that distinguishes the Parent from Child is who gives himself first, and who receives first, but both must exist from the very beginning.
But John the Apostle, understood this perfectly when he wrote, that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. In the child (Son), the love of the parent (Father) is made manifest.
Can God love so much that he could contain all that love? Only if God (theoretically) is a trinity of persons in eternal ecstasy of self-giving being can the riddle be solved.
There, DC, you just made my mind explode again.