butt fros and asian purrs
- Enneagram
- 4
prolly not in the same ways an infp canINFJs can't have buddies?
prolly not in the same ways an infp canINFJs can't have buddies?
prolly not in the same ways an infp can
Not what I was getting at. meaningful relationships matter more to infjs. A "buddy" is more or less an acquaintance and that may be fine to chat with from time to time but more than likely you'd get sick of meaningless banter and look for more depth. I LOVE meaningless banter. In moderation. Depth is a commitment that takes time for me to commit to.I don't know. I'd love to have a friend I could chat with frequently.
Doing that here with most people but someone who is of a similar mind who I can flip a few messages to every day would be rather nice.
Would probably work better with a fellow INFJ as well because we approach life in a similar fashion.
Yes, all INFJs are relatively 'Lone Wolf' or whatever term fits, but same as a cat who associates with other cats the companionship is welcome.
You don't need to a pack hunter to associate with more of your kind.
Not what I was getting at. meaningful relationships matter more to infjs. A "buddy" is more or less an acquaintance and that may be fine to chat with from time to time but more than likely you'd get sick of meaningless banter and look for more depth. I LOVE meaningless banter. In moderation. Depth is a commitment that takes time for me to commit to.
prolly not in the same ways an infp can
INFJs can't have buddies?
Nope. You can have deep meaningful friendships, or you can have nothing. No buddies.
When have you ever known INFPs to be quick about anything?Why is this thread still alive it was created three (and a bit) weeks ago, yet somehow in the 9 pages there's barely any forum buddies
1. That you know of. 2. Where the hell is that weirdo anyway.I am best forum-buddies with @noisebloom because he is the only weird ass mofo in this forum who shares the same level of weird ass fuckery like I do.
ok, now I'm just jealous@Odyne was already assigned to me before this thread began. I am just being a pain in the ass.
Not what I was getting at. meaningful relationships matter more to infjs. A "buddy" is more or less an acquaintance and that may be fine to chat with from time to time but more than likely you'd get sick of meaningless banter and look for more depth. I LOVE meaningless banter. In moderation. Depth is a commitment that takes time for me to commit to.
Nope. You can have deep meaningful friendships, or you can have nothing. No buddies.
Sad INFJ is sad.
And my former gaming buddies disagree. DnD. Every Tuesday. Shit was hilarious.
When have you ever known INFPs to be quick about anything?
They're quick to CRY tho
Heh, INFJs can have a lot of buddies but they are different kinds of buddies from INFP buddies.
It's true that they're usually not as often 'hang out and banter' kinds of buddies, though. It's hard to explain—I think in a way they're halfway between ENFJ buddies and INFP buddies.