- IxTP
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- human
I remember seeing Charles Atlas ads in comic books and feeling very inspired. Even as far back as age 4 and 5. I wanted to look like those guys - to be physically strong and muscled. That desire was in my blood from an early age and I started with bench pressing my bed and curtain rods although I eventually graduated to real weights in my 20's.
The typical Tiger Beat pretty boy look (think: Justin Bieber) never appealed to me. In part, because male attractiveness was indubitably linked to something internal which didn't require a lot of outer fashion accoutrements to uphold. I now understand that I'm talking about strong character and self-validation, but at the time I didn't have those words available to me. I just knew that the men I wanted to be like didn't talk a lot or seem reliant on the opinions of others to like themselves. They just moved quietly and confidently and had some manner of muscularity. That was enough of a model for me.
And that was always what I thought was beautiful in women: quiet, strong and not interested in a lot of attention. In between the exuberant blonde cheerleader and the quiet girl who sat in the back of the class and read, I'd take the latter ten times out of ten. They were always more interesting.
this, on both counts.