- Enneagram
- 1w2 sx/so/sp
I work at the front desk on one of my shifts for this semester with an ISTJ. In short, she is AWESOME! She is such a cool person, and we actually get along really really well. I made her take the test early on when I met her and it sort of didn't make sense, but now that I have gotten to know her better, she definitely is an ISTJ. Because of my functions, I am able to switch over to ISTJ mode if needed, but I act completely like myself around her, and she like me quite a bit. She is kind of a hard ass, and strict with things. Yet, she is actually quite understanding and caring. If something is bothering you, she will try to cheer you up. Of course, in her own non-feeling way, but it works. I have actually grown to really like this type a lot since getting to know her. ISTJ's actually are really wonderful people, you just need to get to know them first (and it is a flaw of the type from what I have seen, but also cross your fingers that they respect you, lol).
Here is a picture of us two working at the desk late one night (the shift is from 10pm-4am, so we get a bit loopy near the end sometimes). In a strange turn of events, we both were using quite a bit of Ne here:
Yes, that is a phone cord wrapped around her head, and I am holding a powerdrill with a pen taped to it.
Here is a picture of us two working at the desk late one night (the shift is from 10pm-4am, so we get a bit loopy near the end sometimes). In a strange turn of events, we both were using quite a bit of Ne here:

Yes, that is a phone cord wrapped around her head, and I am holding a powerdrill with a pen taped to it.
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