Your most disliked American President and why

Most dislikes presidents and why, you can select a few but explain why.

  • John Adams

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Madison

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • James Monroe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rutherford B. Hayes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Harry S. Truman

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John F. Kennedy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lynden B. Johnson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gerald Ford

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Community Member
And the one you like least, same selection of presidents but I think most of the votes will be cast for the 1900's era.

I made this one multiple choice so you can choose a few, I certainly could.
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Bill Harrison, he didn't do anything. Except maybe talk himself to death.
I voted Nixon and old Bush. In fact most of the presidents since 1900 I am not particularly partial to.
Andrew Jackson, 100%.

COMPLETELY overstepped the boundaries of power, dissolved the National Bank without the authority and by questionable means, caused the Trail of Tears, the list goes on.

I'm not a huge fan of Barack, but seriously, Trail of Tears?
Most disliked - no contest, Bush Sr. He's the very reason why there should be no politics and no politicians, because we can't avoid people like him. He is cruel, cold-blooded snake, ready to sell his own mother for some sociopathic self-interest. I am not completely convinced that any president after him could operate without his long hand interfering in some way.

Nixon - complete bastard, but at least he was a little more open about it than Bush Sr. They are both very much alike, only Bush Sr. is the more introverted version of the same condition /which makes him worse/.

Washington - he founded a country, made of slave owners, who wanted to be called "free", and after they've almost completely destroyed the natives. He said people don't deserve freedom and security if they don't want to fight and defend such rights. This counts as quite the cruelty in my book. Hopefully it will soon remain as one of the horrors of the past.

Ron Paul too, if he gets elected. I wouldn't trust this guy to care about his own mom, let alone a nation, or humanity.
GWB bankrupted the nation.
James Buchanan sucked terribly, did almost nothing was the south threatened to secede but sent troops to Utah under the misconception of a revolt. He said secession was illegal, but so was war, so he did nothing of any worth.

Worst president.

EDIT: Almost forgot about Andrew Johnson and the messed up Reconstruction.

Pierce kinda sucked too, with the Kansas-Nebraska act which re-allowed slavery in the West.
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GWB bankrupted the nation.

by what definition? We've been in a deficit sense or before FDR.

Also why Nixion? What makes him worse then Clinton, ENFP Can be Shy.
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Bush Sr, Jr and Obama are all fighting for the crown.

I haven't experienced the other Presidents, so I can't say if they were worse.
Bush Sr, Jr and Obama are all fighting for the crown.

I haven't experienced the other Presidents, so I can't say if they were worse.

huh i would say just the opposite, not enough time for our most recent presidents to be judged.
Also why Nixon? What makes him worse then Clinton, ENFP Can be Shy.
Clinton is a saint next to such folk. Nixon was a potential dictator.
I am not a crook!

Nixon came to power (only just) on a wave of promising to end the Vietnam war 'honourably'. Practically the second after he was elected, he and Kissinger bypassed consulting congress and covertly bombed neutral Cambodia to get at north vietnamese guerillas camped there.

Nixon deserves to be up there on the list, infact maybe there should be one for secretaries of state with Kissinger on it.
Barack Obama, completely unqualified to rule, more so then Bush. His policies have been disastrous the amount of wealth the US has lost under his watch directly attributed to his policies is unbelievable.
Nixon came to power (only just) on a wave of promising to end the Vietnam war 'honourably'. Practically the second after he was elected, he and Kissinger bypassed consulting congress and covertly bombed neutral Cambodia to get at north vietnamese guerillas camped there.

Nixon deserves to be up there on the list, infact maybe there should be one for secretaries of state with Kissinger on it.

You would forget the good(?) he did, he the one who opened up rlations with China, and forgive me if i'm wrong but didn't he pull out of Vietnam.

he got elected the same way Obama did. He told everybod to trust him, he had a plan.

Cambodia, why was that a bad idea?
You would forget the good(?) he did, he the one who opened up rlations with China, and forgive me if i'm wrong but didn't he pull out of Vietnam.

he got elected the same way Obama did. He told everybod to trust him, he had a plan.

Cambodia, why was that a bad idea?
This thread isn't about the good anyone did.

What Nixon did was a direct u-turn on what got him elected, don't bring Barack into this, just because more than one president has done uturns doesn't excuse any of them.

Perhaps crucially he gave the finger to the US system by bombing Cambodia without running is past congress - nothing short of shitting on democracy which America was supposedly trying to inject into that part of the world at the time. Congress wouldn't have given him the answer he wanted.

The arrest of Pinochet in London in the late 80's was what caused the US govt to release classified files on how Nixon and Kissinger duped everyone by issuing fake targets for US bombers in south Vietnam but then having them re-routed midflight to Cambodia - a neutral country.

He pledged to withdraw the US from Vietnam honourably, but there was no question of honour in it - it was all about image. They did not want to appear to simply 'withdraw', lest Russia and emerging China take it as a sign of weakness, so they resolved to bomb the fuck out the entire region and cause a final few months of bloodshed and chaos so they could pull out with the Russians and Chinese looking on thinking 'wow, those Yanks are still a force to be reckoned with'.

Opening up relations with China lol. China was on the rise and Nixon knew it; what other reason would a US president decide to open up 'relations' with a communist state other than because they saw them as a future threat. Political or social ideology plays NO role in the motives of heads of state. America would crush one communist state and back another. Nixons (and Kissingers) actions of that period embodied all that was rotten and corrupt with what the US system had become. But of course the layman simply can't fathom the ideological or moral treason being committed and simply thinks 'bombing Cambodia made sense cause there were north Vietnamese commies in it'.
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Hmm, this could enter into a heated debate territory--which is okay, of course. Just a friendly moderator tip of the hat to remind everyone to remain respectful of each other's opinions in the event of a disagreement. Please and thank you! :)

He was the American Aristocrat who tried to do away with democracy, and he turned his back on americas first international alliance/treaty, leaving the French to suffer.

Were it not for the french, madison would be dead for disloyalty/ to the crown.
The huge gap in opinions makes me really sad. Some of the names people mention (Obama...his term isn't even complete!), and sometimes even the reasons they have (like Andrew Jackson and the national bank) I just don't understand why. Coupled with the emotion put behind the posts, politics just scares me.

Worse, lots of people are just voting for the most recent person of the opposite political party. People voting Obama as the worst president will probably vote the next Democrat as the worst ever and so on. I don't think people are putting a lot of thought into this.
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