My mother is a tower of power. She raised 7 kids on her own. I am the baby of the family. My mother is my best friend, and I think the only person who truly knows me inside and out and still loves me anyway. She's 80 yrs old now and fading. A huge piece of me will die when she passes away.
Is it bad that after reading stuff here, I am happy that my mom is dead? Good grief, do all of you hate and dis your moms and dads? (My dad is dead too, and suddenly I think I am lucky)
I probably should hate my parents, but I don't. I feel sorry for them mostly. Being that way can't be fun. And I even love them both in a general sort of way. They love me, but they're flawed. Love is never any better or worse than the person giving it, you know? Weak people love weakly, Honest people love faithfully, and all that rot. Their love hurt like a bitch, but I think they mostly meant well so I try not to hold it against them. And I really turned out fine (for the most part), so I don't hold a grudge. Nobody's perfect.
But I did wish I was an orphan as a kid and secretly thought I had been switched at birth.
Awww thanks for the well wishes PG! I was most oblivious to both of my parents so I turned out alright... I think.. ::hugs:: Terrible about your dad, but you seem ok!
Whoa.. We have more in common than I realized then. My dad was cuckoo in the same way... sort of. He was trying to groom me to be like a shaman/ religious leader and some other crazy crap. Oh man That's a LOOONG story. And my mom is weirdly frenemy-like towards me. I just roll my eyes at her and stay the hell away from my dad. Damn that is a crazy ass coincidence... I found this board by typing INFJ and narcissism into google. I was wondering if growing up with NPD parents turned one into an infj at the time....
Oh well. I should blog about this stuff...I've been meaning too...
. I found this board by typing INFJ and narcissism into google. I was wondering if growing up with NPD parents turned one into an infj at the time....
Hey did you have to name me? I don't want her to think I'm the kind of guy who goes around telling people about other peoples business.