YouTube Channels

Um. Nvm.
Nobody has mentioned Good Mythical Morning? Rhett and Link are awesome lol.

I also subscribe to some nurses that have blogs and a few famous gamers. Like pewdiepie, jacksepticeye, markiplier, Idubbbz even though he doesn't really game...

There's more but ehh.
Thanks dragu! Sorry I'm only seeing this now :) I really appreciate your mention ^.^


No problem, your channel is one of the few that's pretty accurate towards how INFJ's are, good vids to watch
I don't think I use YouTube the same way most people do. When I search for videos I look for the highest rated/ most recently uploaded and find a lot of small channels because of that.
I don't think I use YouTube the same way most people do. When I search for videos I look for the highest rated/ most recently uploaded and find a lot of small channels because of that.
You still search for videos? Haha, amateur!

You need to let the Machine God decide everything you consume. All praise Recommended.