[INFJ] Youtubers???

Markiplier is 100% ENFP.

ugh rhett and link are so dumb. I'm sorry, but an INTELLECTUAL such as myself cannot be bothered to tolerate such a lowbrow duo.
Do you think Ethan could be ESFP?
Also I really don't know enough about cognitive functions yet, so I'm only good at picking up on certain types, but I would also be interested to hear what Ethan is. I think Hila could be INxJ.
That's a bold statement
Italicized and underlined, as well. I tried to make it obvious that that part was nothing more than a joke. I still do believe that their content is pretty low-brow, but who honestly uses the term "intellectual" like that?
Italicized and underlined, as well. I tried to make it obvious that that part was nothing more than a joke. I still do believe that their content is pretty low-brow, but who honestly uses the term "intellectual" like that?

I didn't catch the joke, so I guess that is on me, lol. Personally, I don't have high standards when it comes to content, I mean I love Pewdiepie and all he does is meme review and a few other things. And of course, I don't usually go to YouTube to learn about intellectual or cultured things. I mainly go to YouTube to relax, have fun, and connect with the people making the videos. I feel like I get to know these people and come to enjoy them as people and not just watch them for their content anymore. So I guess I really don't care if it's low brow since I can find humor and love in all of it. You want low brow though... Check out Trailer Trash Tammy. I laugh at it all, lol.
I only recently started watching pewdiepie because of the jacksfilms stuff. never would've guessed his content is so great now
@Icedream there has to be a reason he has 60mil subs but then again, some of the dumbest channels have millions of subs too. Lol. I just find his mannerisms hilarious and heartwarming at the same time. Like how he can't talk properly for shit and he's so awkward but he doesn't let that stop him and he even uses it to his advantage and makes it funny. And the thing with Jacksfilms was funny but the fans didn't think it was a joke and it kinda sucked for a bit lol. Anyway.... Now I have that theme song stuck in my head... "Place your entries in the sub reddit bros, and I'll watch submissions, on the next episode of LWIAY!"

I don't even know the words to the jacksfilms one... :/ I should go watch him more lol
youtube has all the good stuff on it nowadays. i mean who has cable anymore? theres so much entertainment on youtube

I know right?! Who cares about what's on tv when you can just watch whatever you want online? Lol
I've been loyal to jacksfilms since he was still doing skits lol

but yeah. Felix has some great videos.
My recent favorite youtuber is bill wurtz. But I'm not sure if he's an INFP or INTP. I lean towards INFP though. What do you guys think?

What an adorkable guy :hearteyes:
