I completely agree with the ideal behind the attempt you are making here, but it really is a lost cause. Delusionally paranoid people aren't receptive to things that counter their self-made universes. I say you should opt for the ignore function, it works wonders!
I think we all struggle with the idea there should be "limits" on what we can or can't do. In many ways, I see the rants of people like muir in the same vein I see the Westboro Baptist Church. Heck, I even saw them standing on the street corner, just yesterday, with their "god hates fags" signs. People have the right to their beliefs, even a strident right to their beliefs. People have the right to spam walls of text and spout obnoxious theories that seem to be thinly veiled racist rants. They do. We struggle with acknowleding their right to be as they are, because that core of ourselves says such actions are dishonorable. In the end, the kind of people who would rant and rave are responsible for their own actions, just as you are. You can continue the diatribe and harbor angst against such people but that is exactly what they want. They get off on the idea that they are bugging you, it feeds their helpless, impotent ego to feel important. Such people like to think they are the only ones who see the truth, that they are divine messangers, so misunderstood, yet they will fight the good fight. It is a self-feeding mechanism, they must cling tightly to the idea they are right and they must scream and rant they are right, because to do anything less, would be to hear that small voice of reason that warns they sound like a lunatic.