zionism and racism

I know the point of these threads is discussion, but at what point do we stop to simply agree to disagree?

The discussion is a vehicle for information

It is a conduit through which information is transmitted

Anyone reading the information whether they are involved in the discussion or not can then benefit from that information

No one is being forced to participate
I don't know how many, but one thing's for sure, we're defending ourselves from over 5 nations by ourselves. It's not a poor little palestinian nation at the grace of the israeli empire, it's actually quite the opposite.

Also, give me the casualty figures.

Figures from wikipedia:

Operation Cast lead 2008: 1,407 Palestinians killed v's 13 Israelis
2006 Lebanon War: 1300 Palestineans killed v's 165 Israelis killed
Suez crisis: 3000 egyptians and palestineans killed & 1000 civilians v's 231 israelis killed
1982 lebanon war: 9,797 syrian and palestineans killed v's 657 israelis killed
6 day war: egypt 10,000-15,000 killed or missing, Jordan 6,000 killed or missing, syria 2,500 killed v's 983 israelis killed
war of attrition: 3000-10,000 egyptian soldiers and civilians killed, 1,828 PLO killed, 84 jordan soldiers killed, 58 USSR killed, 180 Cubans, hundreds of Syrians killed v's 594-1424 israelis killed
Yom Kippur war: 8,000-18,500 arab expeditionary forces killed v's 2,800 israelis killed
1948 Arab-israel war: 8,000-15,000 arabs killed v's 6,373 Israelis killed

God what a lot of violence and death, and there have been many other deaths from other conflicts and events....all for the vision of zionist bankers
thanks for clearing that up !

More on geoengineering!

Figures from wikipedia:

Operation Cast lead 2008: 1,407 Palestinians killed v's 13 Israelis
2006 Lebanon War: 1300 Palestineans killed v's 165 Israelis killed
Suez crisis: 3000 egyptians and palestineans killed & 1000 civilians v's 231 israelis killed
1982 lebanon war: 9,797 syrian and palestineans killed v's 657 israelis killed
6 day war: egypt 10,000-15,000 killed or missing, Jordan 6,000 killed or missing, syria 2,500 killed v's 983 israelis killed
war of attrition: 3000-10,000 egyptian soldiers and civilians killed, 1,828 PLO killed, 84 jordan soldiers killed, 58 USSR killed, 180 Cubans, hundreds of Syrians killed v's 594-1424 israelis killed
Yom Kippur war: 8,000-18,500 arab expeditionary forces killed v's 2,800 israelis killed
1948 Arab-israel war: 8,000-15,000 arabs killed v's 6,373 Israelis killed

God what a lot of violence and death, and there have been many other deaths from other conflicts and events....all for the vision of zionist bankers

Why do you suppose the figures are so uneven?
Why do you suppose the figures are so uneven?

The Israelis have had the backing of the international bankers and the US. They've been given superior hardwear and training and essentially outgun their opponents

They have nukes which cast a big shadow over all of their neighbours
The Israelis have had the backing of the international bankers and the US. They've been given superior hardwear and training and essentially outgun their opponents

They have nukes which cast a big shadow over all of their neighbours

So they managed to kill more because they have superior weapons and training?
So they managed to kill more because they have superior weapons and training?

The reasons are going to vary depending on the situation obviously so i was generalising for example there is tactics and motivation etc

But for example looking at the more recent conflicts the Israelis have the latest gun ships, fighter jets, tomahawk missiles, tanks etc whilst the palestineans are firing home made rockets (although better weaponry has been supplied by outsiders)

Another factor is aggression

For example you'll not see the Palestineans launching a land invasion of Israel but you will see the Israelis launching land invasions of palestinean land eg Operation cast Lead, where the Israelis take the fight to heavily populated palestinean civilian areas. The palestineans in return try to hit back at Israeli civilian areas with rockets in tit for tat strikes

You're going to offer another reason?
@muir , just breathe.
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I completely agree with the ideal behind the attempt you are making here, but it really is a lost cause. Delusionally paranoid people aren't receptive to things that counter their self-made universes. I say you should opt for the ignore function, it works wonders!

I think we all struggle with the idea there should be "limits" on what we can or can't do. In many ways, I see the rants of people like muir in the same vein I see the Westboro Baptist Church. Heck, I even saw them standing on the street corner, just yesterday, with their "god hates fags" signs. People have the right to their beliefs, even a strident right to their beliefs. People have the right to spam walls of text and spout obnoxious theories that seem to be thinly veiled racist rants. They do. We struggle with acknowleding their right to be as they are, because that core of ourselves says such actions are dishonorable. In the end, the kind of people who would rant and rave are responsible for their own actions, just as you are. You can continue the diatribe and harbor angst against such people but that is exactly what they want. They get off on the idea that they are bugging you, it feeds their helpless, impotent ego to feel important. Such people like to think they are the only ones who see the truth, that they are divine messangers, so misunderstood, yet they will fight the good fight. It is a self-feeding mechanism, they must cling tightly to the idea they are right and they must scream and rant they are right, because to do anything less, would be to hear that small voice of reason that warns they sound like a lunatic.
I completely agree with the ideal behind the attempt you are making here, but it really is a lost cause. Delusionally paranoid people aren't receptive to things that counter their self-made universes. I say you should opt for the ignore function, it works wonders!

I think we all struggle with the idea there should be "limits" on what we can or can't do. In many ways, I see the rants of people like muir in the same vein I see the Westboro Baptist Church. Heck, I even saw them standing on the street corner, just yesterday, with their "god hates fags" signs. People have the right to their beliefs, even a strident right to their beliefs. People have the right to spam walls of text and spout obnoxious theories that seem to be thinly veiled racist rants. They do. We struggle with acknowleding their right to be as they are, because that core of ourselves says such actions are dishonorable. In the end, the kind of people who would rant and rave are responsible for their own actions, just as you are. You can continue the diatribe and harbor angst against such people but that is exactly what they want. They get off on the idea that they are bugging you, it feeds their helpless, impotent ego to feel important. Such people like to think they are the only ones who see the truth, that they are divine messangers, so misunderstood, yet they will fight the good fight. It is a self-feeding mechanism, they must cling tightly to the idea they are right and they must scream and rant they are right, because to do anything less, would be to hear that small voice of reason that warns they sound like a lunatic.

Thanks a lot for the post and for the understanding. I would agree i suppose to what you have said if i was in your shoes, but let's say you were a homosexual, seeing the "god hates fags" signs every now and then in your neighborhood. Wouldn't you make a stand?

Besides, i really couldn't care less about muir, he's obviously so full of himself that nothing else can get inside his head.
I don't know how many, but one thing's for sure, we're defending ourselves from over 5 nations by ourselves. It's not a poor little palestinian nation at the grace of the israeli empire, it's actually quite the opposite.

Also, give me the casualty figures.

Figures from wikipedia:

Operation Cast lead 2008: 1,407 Palestinians killed v's 13 Israelis
2006 Lebanon War: 1300 Palestineans killed v's 165 Israelis killed
Suez crisis: 3000 egyptians and palestineans killed & 1000 civilians v's 231 israelis killed
1982 lebanon war: 9,797 syrian and palestineans killed v's 657 israelis killed
6 day war: egypt 10,000-15,000 killed or missing, Jordan 6,000 killed or missing, syria 2,500 killed v's 983 israelis killed
war of attrition: 3000-10,000 egyptian soldiers and civilians killed, 1,828 PLO killed, 84 jordan soldiers killed, 58 USSR killed, 180 Cubans, hundreds of Syrians killed v's 594-1424 israelis killed
Yom Kippur war: 8,000-18,500 arab expeditionary forces killed v's 2,800 israelis killed
1948 Arab-israel war: 8,000-15,000 arabs killed v's 6,373 Israelis killed

These are extraordinarily lopsided numbers, it is what i expected, i wonder though....did you expect something else?
Thanks a lot for the post and for the understanding. I would agree i suppose to what you have said if i was in your shoes, but let's say you were a homosexual, seeing the "god hates fags" signs every now and then in your neighborhood. Wouldn't you make a stand?

Besides, i really couldn't care less about muir, he's obviously so full of himself that nothing else can get inside his head.

The figures posted should show that the current way of doing things aren't working

Take a look at the crisis in N.Korea where the US is once again casting the shadow of nuclear war over the world like they did with the cuban missile crisis

Is this the world we want? is it a world thats safe for jews? is it a world that's safe for anyone?

What i'm advocating is compromise with the palestineans...building bridges, not burning them. The zionists have created Israel to help control the oil in the region. the regular jewish people are pawns in their games the same as we all are; that's why many israelis protested against the inequalities since the 2008 'credit crunch' the same as people everywhere protested

But in order for this to happen, the US needs to stop funding Israel, so that Israel is then made to come to the negotiation table.

Now that isn't going to happen until enough people in the US change their perceptions. At the moment their perceptions are created by the zionist controlled media.

So what i'm trying to do is do my very small part in trying to alter perceptions and to push back the perceptions pushed on us by the zionist media
I completely agree with the ideal behind the attempt you are making here, but it really is a lost cause. Delusionally paranoid people aren't receptive to things that counter their self-made universes. I say you should opt for the ignore function, it works wonders!.

I have posted clips by many experts supporting what i'm saying; if you would actually watch them you would find out the constructed universe is the one made by the corporate media

I think we all struggle with the idea there should be "limits" on what we can or can't do. In many ways, I see the rants of people like muir in the same vein I see the Westboro Baptist Church. Heck, I even saw them standing on the street corner, just yesterday, with their "god hates fags" signs.

Don't try and tar me with that brush

People have the right to their beliefs, even a strident right to their beliefs. People have the right to spam walls of text and spout obnoxious theories that seem to be thinly veiled racist rants. They do. We struggle with acknowleding their right to be as they are, because that core of ourselves says such actions are dishonorable. In the end, the kind of people who would rant and rave are responsible for their own actions, just as you are. You can continue the diatribe and harbor angst against such people but that is exactly what they want. They get off on the idea that they are bugging you, it feeds their helpless, impotent ego to feel important. Such people like to think they are the only ones who see the truth, that they are divine messangers, so misunderstood, yet they will fight the good fight. It is a self-feeding mechanism, they must cling tightly to the idea they are right and they must scream and rant they are right, because to do anything less, would be to hear that small voice of reason that warns they sound like a lunatic.

Lol and what have you contributed to the discussion?

This is the news and politics section, we're having a discussion about news and politics. If you have no interest in contributing to the discussion then why enter it?
But in order for this to happen, the US needs to stop funding Israel, so that Israel is then made to come to the negotiation table.

Now that isn't going to happen until enough people in the US change their perceptions. At the moment their perceptions are created by the zionist controlled media.
[MENTION=1871]muir[/MENTION], i think you underestimate the importance of Israel in the hearts and minds of non-Israeli Jews everywhere, especially in the US

Bear in mind that American Jews are politically influential because they vote, they participate in the political process and they are passionate about the things they care about.... which is mostly that the American system is based on the concept of Equal Protection Under the Law.
@muir , i think you underestimate the importance of Israel in the hearts and minds of non-Israeli Jews everywhere, especially in the US

Yes but where has that idea come from?

Bear in mind that American Jews are politically influential because they vote, they participate in the political process and they are passionate about the things they care about.... which is mostly that the American system is based on the concept of Equal Protection Under the Law.

No they are influential because they have huge wealth and because they promote other jews into positions of influence

So why is this a problem?

Its a problem because they are a special interest group. The special interest being Israel.
This stooge thinks you are wrong, btw participating in the American political system requires money.
This stooge thinks you are wrong, btw participating in the American political system requires money.

yes exactly...lots of money!

Its getting more and more expensive to be involved in US politics...so who now has the money to do it?

The banking families behind the federal reserve: the rothschilds, the rockefellers, the warburgs, the schiffs, the lazars, the lehmans etc