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Somehow, I always find my way back to you around this time of year. It seems that alpacas and Greek mythology will forever remind me of you and our silly chats <3
The more you put yourself out there, the more you risk. But August was a grave and I clawed myself out of the comfort of earth so I may be washed by storms and deafened by thunder. I for the first time in years, went looking. I went looking and found not the old me, not the new me, but something greater than myself.

Listening to: Alexi Murdoch - All My Days
January, 2025. Wow its been such a long time. So much has changed. I submitted my poetry to a manuscript competition. I was in a play at school (pretty large role!)
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God, September-December 2024 have been the best months of my life. So much chaos, but so much love, stupidity, mistakes, passion, aching. Despite these things, I still live with confusion and unknowing.
SlowUpTake 至于中国的象形文字,虽然现在有部分文字已经被翻译,但仍有很多象形文字没有背诵和翻译。象形文字在社会中其实属于一种冷门的语言,我的意思是它更值得人类探索我们祖先的历史。至于把象形文字当做语言,我个人认为其实很难普及,因为现在的中文已经属于象形文字的超级进阶版本,就想要电话机的原型和Iphone15 promax那样的差距。但语言是一门艺术,艺术无上限,也许未来我们现在的语言也同样会被淘汰。社会是一个不会科幻的大侦探漩涡,它永远在迭代更新。
Please translate. There are too many English words to reply at once.:smiley:
"There are too many English words to reply at once" ...story of my life
I'm sick with covid again. It's so weird to be sick in the summer but anyways, all I have is a very annoying stuffy nose and thought to do a public service announcement and link this because surprisingly it works. Not to completely clear out your nose, but if you have mucus build up in your sinuses, it helps.
Thanks for the likes, and certainly glad to see you. I was thinking about you the other day, but not worried...I figured you were living your life, fulfilling your roles, meeting your responsibilities, stumbling as one does from time to time, and loving your family. And tunes. Always tunes.
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Thanks so much, Ian. I think about you often, actually.Yes, always tunes! For you too, I know. So glad you reached out. And yes — you had the rest right too 😉
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Thanks for the like. Mind if I ask why you picked that avatar? No obligation to answer. I am a spiritual man is why I asked. I like your choice.
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Thank you! Something about melancholy angels has always resonated strongly with me for some reason. I'm not particularly religious but identify with the often frustrating struggle of aiming to do or be some force for "Good" in the Universe.
just me
just me
This is good.