Gaze April Gaze wrote on April's profile. Nov 11, 2022 Beautiful profile pic . I know it's late but I hope you had a great birthday. <3
just me Saad fazal just me wrote on Saad fazal's profile. Oct 31, 2022 Thanks for the like, Saad. Welcome. ...or someone else.
Its Me Sarah Oct 25, 2022 Wow, how our perspective on life can change so quickly with the help of Good Samaritans like those I’ve come across here. Thank you all.
Wow, how our perspective on life can change so quickly with the help of Good Samaritans like those I’ve come across here. Thank you all.
Dhyaneshwar dZpADTLrPmX4c Dhyaneshwar wrote on dZpADTLrPmX4c's profile. Oct 20, 2022 I also like mint, but in my milk tea. Never tried it in coffee, but I must.
S S Saad fazal Oct 3, 2022 With everything that I couldn't find myself from, when I found that everyone around me are not like that, I couldn't realize if it was me or
With everything that I couldn't find myself from, when I found that everyone around me are not like that, I couldn't realize if it was me or
saint fushimi Aug 22, 2022 "Thou hast made danger thy calling. Therein, there is nothing contemptible."
Misty Sandie33 Misty wrote on Sandie33's profile. Aug 18, 2022 Thank you for the likes, Sandie <3. Hope you are well!
saint fushimi Aug 13, 2022 “ my global position systems are vocally addressed / they say the nile used to run from east to west”
“ my global position systems are vocally addressed / they say the nile used to run from east to west”
uuu saint fushimi uuu wrote on saint fushimi's profile. Aug 12, 2022 To edit a post, there is an edit button in the bottom left of the post when you are looking at it. On mobile, I think you have to click "post options" or "more options" or something like that first.
To edit a post, there is an edit button in the bottom left of the post when you are looking at it. On mobile, I think you have to click "post options" or "more options" or something like that first.